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The Person Who Likes Me

Spoony Bard


So eventually I recieved a call today from the person who likes me (Her name is Colleen). I know who it is and such.


She has a landphone (I told her to upgrade), but then out of the blue her nana grabs the phone and asks how old I was. I said 20, and she replies with "20 eh? Well I don't want you hanging out with my kid" or something stupid like that.


She is only 19 darnit, and I can't talk to her? I felt very put off by that, and I feel disrespected by that.


So yeah, I have a girl who likes me and wants to be my girlfriend, but apparently the guardians don't want her near me.




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Unless she is still in high school, it is my belief that once a person hits eighteen their parents should have no say in the dating life they undertake. From then on any 'requirements' a parent/guardian makes is merely a suggestion, and should be taken as such.


If she is an adult, that is her decision to make.


However, if this is not how she feels, you'll most likely have to respect that somehow. If she believes her guardians or whatnot to be an authority in her life in a such a way, you're probably stuck.


Oh the perils of the heart. Woe is we.

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Oohh... ouch.

Beware the over-protective nanas. They can hurt you.

I mean, 'nanas' even rhymes with "Manas" which is Matoran for "monster". Like I said, beware :P .


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I wonder if they actually know anything about you. Either that or they are just trying to "protect"(?) her from anything and everything in life. Like guys. I am pretty sure I made slightly less than no sense there...


Another useful question to ask is do you like her? Enough to disregard her guardians?

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Another useful question to ask is do you like her? Enough to disregard her guardians?

When I first met her, I thought she was cute and she had a nice personality. I was disappointed to learn she wasn't single at that time.


I guess I can bring back those feelings. But it isnt enough to disregard her guardians. However I think she may take it to that level.



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I'm sort of tied. One one hand, she should ba allowed to make her own decisions, and talking to someone shouldn't hurt.


Then again, I know Omi...

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I would be care-ful in this entry, because I'm [pretty] sure there are BZP-nanas out there.


And the said nana might be stalking Omi now >.>


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I would be care-ful in this entry, because I'm [pretty] sure there are BZP-nanas out there.


And the said nana might be stalking Omi now >.>


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LOL :lol: That would be funny!



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Omi, the only reason the nana won't let you hang with her daughter, is because she wants to hang with you. ;)

I dunno.


With the tone of the way she sounded, plus the abrupt hang up with the phone, she hates me. :P



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