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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*runs back to the bunker and hids for a while*


Yeah, I'm retreating from battle until around 7:30, my good men.


Until then...





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Okay then me and my Legion of the Fruit Stand are joining this battle and we intend to stay until the last man standing!Okay so iot's just me and Blaze Inferno who is not online at the moment anyway:


*Gets out the Automatic Fruit launcher V.2.0 and fires at whoever gets in the way*



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I thought you were on our side for a minute, Laughin'Man.


*throws Lemon Juice water balloons at LM*


I'm withdrawing to base for now. Good luck, Seran & Aanchir.

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I'm gonna go play Unreal Tournament for a couple of hours while listening to loud music.


See ya.


If this is still going on when I get back I'll join in again. Don't kill me.




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*grabs two ginormous pomegranate pits and throws them at FK96's kneecaps* Walk no more, corpse-created Kal!

Ah, but you forget, I don't actually have kneecaps! Just hinges! Hah!



@the map, Biggest faction woo!


@Fat Leonidas kid, Lulz!


@ the battle,



*Fires frozen durains from artillery shells on hills which shatter and send shrapnail everywhere*

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*Runs in fear of the 2 attacks made on me*

*gets inside of jet plane, flys off, and drops a HUUUUGGGEEE nuke melon*

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*Throws apple at Lyichir*

*Then throws an entire bowlful of graapes at Bionicle Dragon*



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*Shrapnail from shattered durains flys everywhere*



*in base* Yes... soon, our enemys will be naught more then scattered corpses...

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*needs to refuel because grapes and apples were thrown into ignition*


*apple and grapes burst out after putting the pedal to the metal*


*hits everyone*

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