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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*Dodges Watermelon*


*Gets all sticky from the explosion and has to stop to clean it off.*

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Alright, I'm gonna go now. But before I leave--


*puts up impenetrable Lemon Magic Shield*


Now if you want to get in, you must be one with the magical quality that is Lemons. That means only LCers can come until someone drops the shield.


- :vahi:

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*digs a tunnel, with a fruit, and throws another fruit at Aanchir...*


*throws pineapple back at Ocrist. :P *

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*goes to base and returns with a ton of 100-pound jackfruit.* *starts catapulting jackfruits, creating craters in the battlefield* HAHAHAHA!!!! Feast on this, lowly fools!
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*Stops throwing peaches at the overmind and rolls away, heading straight twords the peach base*


*Hit with a jackfruit, flys away*

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*whacks Dok with said colossal jackfruit over the head* That hurt! None can save you now! BWAHAH -- *gets hit by LM's grapes and Venomess's squash*


Say, isn't squash technically a vegetable?

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No, I checked. Squash is a fruit.


*gets up, zombie-style, with big bruise on back from jackfruit*


*bruised area explodes burying Takatu under a pile of strawberries*


I'm a fruit zombie now!




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Wait why is everyone still fighting. I killed you all! :(


*throws a PLUMTONIUM bomb*






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Fruit zombies can still be decapitated! *catapults jackfruits elsewhere, then chucks shuriken starfruit at Venomess*
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*Tries to hurl a giant coconut at Takatu*

*falls into jackfruit crater while doing so*

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Wait why is everyone still fighting. I killed you all! :(


*throws a PLUMTONIUM bomb*






You're punny.


*splatters a honeydew over Bio's head*

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