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Personally, I'd like the next BBC to be Harry Potter related, since a movie, and the final book are both coming out in July.


I tell ya', I learned to READ with Harry P.


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Guest Phyoohrii


I began liking to read with Harry Potter. ^_^

However that doesn't merit a BBC contest though...


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Oh, please, don't ever do that! It'd be terrible, and 'sides, it's a bit too restrictive, aye? There are people with no idea what terms in Harry Potter mean, and some that utterly despise it.


It's sort of like asking Phyoohrii to be a Victorian. He can't. He's Tasmanian. (Yay Tasmania!)

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I agree, it wouldn't be fair to non-readers (although I personally am a major fan). Maybe like art contest 11, so we could MOC any character of a movie or book, but it shouldn't be limited to Harry Potter.


- :vahi:

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Oh, please, don't ever do that! It'd be terrible, and 'sides, it's a bit too restrictive, aye? There are people with no idea what terms in Harry Potter mean, and some that utterly despise it.


It's sort of like asking Phyoohrii to be a Victorian. He can't. He's Tasmanian. (Yay Tasmania!)


*Devours Aoran the Edible...*


It's in his name... Heh heh...


and I agree.

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