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Hot Topics



For the last several days, the server has been running fairly well, except when the database gets corrupted. It's easy to fix, but takes a while. On Sunday, apparently the DB was corrupted and I wasn't available to fix it for several hours. And then again this morning, one of the tables was corrupt, so I had to rebuild.


I did notice that the times when the server gets busybusybusy is when the Hot Topics on the front page are updated. Those used to be updated once every four hours. So now, I've adjusted it so it's updated once every day, at 2 a.m. The only alternative is to take them off totally.


Fun historic fact: that "Hot Topics" area has been on BZP since the early days, and was initially set to update dynamically, in real time. That became a major, massive drain on our (then) shared server, so we got booted from there. Through time, we discovered how to optimize it and make it better, but it's still a resource hog. I want to keep it, but it's hurting the server, so I've got it running when fewer people are online. Hopefully that'll help.


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Well, that spells bad for hot topics, but spells good for the server. And the server is more important then the hot topics. So I don`t really consider it a dissapointment.

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(if you're asking for members' opinions...)


If it would help the site, I would have no problem with the elimination of the Hot Topics list.


Incidentally, I wonder how many people are still lurking around who remember when there also used to be a "last ten posts" box beneath the Hot Topics box.

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This is probably good. I like checking Hot Topics every now and then to see what's neign discussed in depth, but it doesn't need to be updates often. And, of course, it wouldn't bother me too much if it went. However, you'd sure take away alot of bragging rights to those who can say "My topic made it to the Hot Topics list".


Keep that severe going, Bink. Thanks again for your efforts. B)



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So I assume that the same reasons presented here are why the "Last 10 posts" (it used to be under the Hot Topics) was removed. Now that I think about, I really miss that feature. I ended up posting in a lot more topics outside of the normal forums I frequent just b/c of that tablet.


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I wouldn't have a problem with it. The server is much more important.


And I do remember Smeag.




I remember Smeag too!

I also agree that the Hot Topics list should be booted if it is such a big strain on the server.

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I don't think we'll get rid of it, it'll just not be updated as often.

I think it'd be better to get rid of it then to have an old list, I think the function works best if it's updated regularly. :shrugs:

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