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The Miracle Solution

Tufi Piyufi


Number ratings.


Made you jump.


THey're the most horrific insult to the artist or builder imaginable, right? Every time you use one, a baby seal dies or something like that. They're four, five, six, even seven (and they can go even higher) characters of pure, putrid horror. A stain on the Creative Outlet or some othersuch.


I bring forth the most modest of proposals in dealing with them, and I can vouch for its efficency on even the smallest of scales:


Ignore them.


Don't post huge things in the first post stating how horrible they are. Don't verbally roll your eyes at every instance of them. Don't get on people's cases just for using them, even if the words in the post itself are perfectly fine. They're four, five, six, even seven (sometimes higher) characters. You can skip over them. Just act like they aren't there in the first place. It's really not that hard. Once you get in the habit, it's the easiest thing in the world.


I started doing this myself many moons ago. I'd like to think I'm a happier denizen of the Creative Outlet for it. You guys call them 'irrelevant'. If they're really so irrelevant, why do you get so uptight about them?


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I used to use numbers frequently, then I realized the error of my ways and abondoned them. We were all newbies once I suppose, I shudder to think of them now and I am baffled as to why some builders still ask for them.


I agree with most of your points and I also would like to know why some take those numbers so seriously.

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I used to use numbers frequently, then I realized the error of my ways and abondoned them. We were all newbies once I suppose, I shudder to think of them now and I am baffled as to why some builders still ask for them.


I agree with most of your points and I also would like to know why some take those numbers so seriously.

It's not the users I take issue with at all: it's those who seek to pitch a fit and make sure everyone knows it for each and every number rating in their topic. It's a colossal overreaction. Why they get so worked up about it, I don't know.

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I've noticed them on occasion. I don't really mind. I mean if someone says, like: 12131/10, then I know they're exaggerating. I don't like 'em, but i don't hate 'em, either, and I certainly won't yell at someone just for posting their opinion, 'cos in the end, that's what a number rating is, even if it's exaggerated.




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There's only one reason I don't like them...

That's usualy all that's in the post. They just say "OMG 122443543254/10!"

Now that doesn't help at all.

But if they give a review then the number rating, it's fine.


But I do agree we should ignore them as much as we can. But my eyes still twitch when I see one.
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Many posts in BBC nowadays consist of the following:


"It looks great! 10/10!"


And sometimes, the MOC is rather sub-par. But people go around posting that in nearly every topic. Methinks it's just for a post count.


The only way I think a number rating is appropriate is if there is some sort of constructive comment accompanying it - be it critisism or be it praise.


That's why I don't like 'em.

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There's only one reason I don't like them...

That's usualy all that's in the post. They just say "OMG 122443543254/10!"

Now that doesn't help at all.

But if they give a review then the number rating, it's fine.



But I do agree we should ignore them as much as we can. But my eyes still twitch when I see one.

Many posts in BBC nowadays consist of the following:


"It looks great! 10/10!"


And sometimes, the MOC is rather sub-par. But people go around posting that in nearly every topic. Methinks it's just for a post count.


The only way I think a number rating is appropriate is if there is some sort of constructive comment accompanying it - be it critisism or be it praise.


That's why I don't like 'em.

Here's the miracle solution for these sorts of posts:


Report them.


It even involves a magic you can see right before your eyes. You see a spam post, you report it. This summons the magical modding fairy who comes along in the dead of night and makes it go 'poof'. Life then goes on as if that post never existed, provided that nobody quotes it just to complain about it, which is a million times more obnoxious than the spam itself.


Man, I'm full of miracles these days.

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I never understood what was so bad about them.


I mean, even professionals use them.




I think the main problem here is that people aren't actually being reasonable. I mean, the vast majority people that use them just give the MOC 10/10, even if the MOC is just an amalgamation of official sets.


"Let's see, Makuta's body, Keetongu's arms, Sidorak's legs, and Jaller's head. Done. Time to pass it off as something I actually took time on!"

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I have this urge to give this entry a rating for no particular reason. :evilgrin:


Life then goes on as if that post never existed, provided that nobody quotes it just to complain about it, which is a million times more obnoxious than the spam itself.
Why does that sound so familiar? :P


Irrelevance: It really does matter.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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I think that number ratings can prove useful when there is an objective criteria that they are summed from.


For instance, simply saying "7/10" really doesn't help the artist/creator/writer unless they wish to know how much they liked it (which, in this case, would be 70% "likeness).


The solution to number ratings are those backed up with criteria. For a MOC, there could be a few categories that each serve a part of the total number rating, e.g. "visual appeal," "construction," and "variety/originality."


With separate number ratings for each category that add up to a greater total rating, I believe I can justify using them. However, I must admit I am rather lazy when it comes to things like this. Any post that would delineate the goods and bads of a piece of art/story/creation obviously shows effort and appreciation of the artwork. The number ratings would then just give some objectivity to the subjectivity of art. ^^

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How remarkably right.I swear from this day onwards I shall no longer use number ratings,not only they hurt the MOCer`s feelings,but they could lead to some other mishaps
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Know what's an even worse thing to do with Number ratings? Give a list of things the MOCist needs to improve on, and then say 10/10. 10/10 means they can't improve on anything, yet your telling 'em to improve. How does that make sense?







Tufi, I give this Blog entry a 10/10! :P

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Man, I'm full of miracles these days.

"It's not a miracle if what you say is going to happen, happens." --Jon Stewart


I'll just take a nice thought out review, thank you.

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I never understood what was so bad about them.


I mean, even professionals use them.

Would you call the majority of BZPower 'professionals'? I certainly wouldn't.


The thing is, rating numbers have good potential. With a good explanation for the ratings, they can pose a plausible visualization of a person's genuine opinion on how you did in comparison to the best and worst you can possibly do.

You may say that then, if a post has good thorough constructive criticism and a well-explained opinion, number ratings are redundant. Well, that can be true... sometimes. But sometimes the CC makes it hard to understand what exactly the commenter's opinion is. Sometimes you spend so much time telling the artist what to work on, it makes it look like you don't like their creation at all, which may be very different from their actual opinion of the thing. Number ratings could give a more tangible overall assessment in those cases.


However, I agree. 99% of the number ratings used are totally pointless, thoughtless and/or unreasonable. Unless it's from someone I know and trust or it has a lot of explanation behind it, it's best ignored.


Wouldn't it be nice if they just didn't use them anymore...

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Woah, okay, folks, I think some of you are getting confused.


That first paragraph going on about the 'evils' of number ratings? A parody of what I hear said about them. I personally am genuinely indifferent to them. I don't actually see them as 'a great evil' or any of that othersuch. It's the miracle in action. It's amazing how much better it makes things, too. It's why I'm trying to encourage you guys to take it up.

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