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Grand Bethel 2007: Inspire All Who Know You

Soaring Strawberry


In late June, my Bethel spent the weekend in warm Bakersfield, California for the state session. It is similar to Grand Assembly, though each organization's view on Grand Officers are completely different.


Thursday, June 21: On the road again... As we picked up the four girls attending and our Bethel Guardian, my parent's van quickly lost all empty space. Then, we began our journey. Along the way, I listened to the other girls discuss things like make-up (Dialogue has slipped my mind).


The car rumbled and shook violently; Some type of pellet struck the outside. After my mom parked the car at the shoulder, we discovered the cause: A tire blowout! The Bethel Guardian called Triple A ("Hello? Yes, we have a blowout, and we are half a mile from McClay street on the freeway..."). As we waited in the summer heat, several people offered help, but the blowout faced towards the traffic.


Soon, a Triple A mechanic arrived and quickly installed a temporary "doughnut" and directed us to the closest Firestone where we could pay for a new tire. While there, we learned that one of the employees will be transferring to Ontario, right near my home! During the doughnut replacement, we ate lunch at Denny's.


Another time-consuming issue came with our arrival at the Four Points Sheraton: Our rooms were in completely different buildings. I am not surprised that we were late for Thursday night's formal opening, and the bulk of escort and introduction. I unwittingly started a tiff between myself and another member. Fortunately, I backed far enough away that I reversed most of the damage.


Friday, June 22 On the most fun day of the session, each Bethel wears look-alikes and trades items with members from other Bethels. We had beige shirts with red flowers, black skirts, and green beach towels. I loved Victorville Bethel #262 and their Cars look alikes. Keep in mind that they sat right behind us.


However, there seemed to be fewer sing-alongs this year. On Friday night, Bethels perform in the Variety show (purely entertainment; there seemed to be less) and the outgoing Grand Bethel Girls reveal the offices of the ingoing girls' title. Our Bethel has the Grand Bethel Outer Guard, as seen in this skit:


GBOG: All right, I'll have the girl from #1... from #1... and #353! (Bethels cheer) Now, I'll give you the sword (hands our bethel's girl, nicknamed KrisKris, a sword); you, the key; and you hold Clifford. Now, I need each of you to bark.

KrisKris: Ah, bark?

GBOG: No, bark like a dog.


Then, the Outer Guard had each girl say "Halt! Who Goes There?"


GBOG: Now, Bethel #262: Who is the new Outer Guard?

Bethel #262: "Halt, Who Goes There!" (holds up signs with "Halt, Who Goes There!" on them, as well as swords. The GBOG hugs Kris Kris)


After closing, Kris Kris and her "big sis" opened the pass down box, which contains Clifford, swords, keys, and a giant megaphone.


Saturday, June 23 We spent the day preparing for a party for Kris Kris, and the Installation and dance took place that night. Her Grand Bethel theme is "Challenge the Ordinary."

We had two girls who were attending their first Grand Bethel. Throughout the session, they attempted to blend into the population by bending the rules. Ironically, they stood out somewhat because most of the Job's Daughters do follow the rules. Fortunately, it did not create a huge drama for anyone.

A few people came to Kris Kris' party: The Corona Bethel, Nansea, and the Los Angeles DeMolay.

Also, you know when you doze off even when you sit down? That's what happened to me after the party.


Sunday, June 24 Going home.


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