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Braces Update And Three Disneyland Trips

Soaring Strawberry


I learned at my Wednesday appointment That I need to wear my current trays an extra week, as well as use a white, tubular "chewie" to push them into place. I am not chewing now; my muscles are too sore.


This month, we already made two trips to Disneyland, with another this week, before we are blocked off in July and most of August. The park has done things for the first time in a while. First, of course, is the submarine ride. Now featuring the cast of Finding Nemo, it loosely follows the plot. My favorite effect was jellies' glow. The other two continued items are so small, no one else would notice. If anyone is interested, I will describe them.


Finally, my Graduation party is this week, at Spaghetti Eddie's. My family gave me a shirt that says, "Princess Grad," so I will wear that to the party.


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