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Updates And Stuff



1. Me and 'M' went shopping yesterday, and got loads of awesome new clothes. So now I can jump up and down with delight. Hooray! :happydance:


2. I'm back at school. The amusing thing is that we've started the subjects we're taking for our 'A2's...but we haven't got the results from our 'AS's yet, so everything is very confusing. :blink:


3. I have reached a state of writer's block with my latest book. It took me an hour to write two sentences this morning. Yes, that's right. Oh dear. It doesn't help that the bit I'm trying to write is the trickiest thing I've ever written in my entire life. If you guys complain enough, I might tell you what it is, if I'm feeling nice. *


4. I still have my Mecha and Pridak to finish building, and a self MOC and Survurlode to start, and along comes BBC 44. Which, coincidentally, happens to end on my birthday, the 15th. Yes childrens, I'll be 17 at last. **


5. My current mood is annoyed. I really want to continue writing, but I can't. Grr.


6. I managed to get Photoshop to work on my laptop, after it complained about activation and loss of memory and silly things like that. So I had a great time playing around with all the brushes and made this and this. Not terribly exciting I know, but I think they look quite pretty.


7. I contemplated drawing the first ever picture of the real Seranikai (from my books). So, folks, you're one step closer to seeing him. Yay!




*Ok, if you're clever and you've been following my blog, you might be able to guess just what it relates to. If you think you know what it might be, do you think I should talk about it properly, in a decent blog entry or something? If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's fine. Remember, you can PM me any questions you like, and I daresay I'll answer them.


**Don't you forget that! July 15th. ;)


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I still have my Mecha and Pridak to finish building
The Pridak looks too much like your MOC of Schizo.


But the only similarities are the fairings on the torso and the samurai plates! -S

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I :wub: the upper arm on the Pridak WIP. Love. Love love.


Wow...I'd better hurry up and finish the whole thing then. :P



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But the only similarities are the fairings on the torso and the samurai plates! -S
And the blocky hand...
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Thanks for asking, Synthesis. I started writing that scene, but I decided that it wasn't good enough, so I scrapped it. I think I'll start with Calix and Daanikai now, to get some time alone with them, before that certain tricky scene.



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*Screams*I missed Seran`s B-day!There was so many homework for me!Please forgive Seran!It completely slipped my mind!*Screams again*


Don't worry about it. The forums were down anyway, you couldn't have done anything if you wanted to. :P -S

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