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Upgrading Forum Software



The server itself seems to be doing OK, but we're continuing to get corrupt database tables once in a while. They're causing some minor grief. In an effort to get away from that grief, we've decided to upgrade to the latest version of Invision Power Board. The request has been submitted to our host, so the boards could go offline at any point in the next day or two.


This means the forums will be unavailable for several hours once this process starts. We'll try to put a news story online when it's underway, but we don't know exactly when that will be, so it could be a while before we officially let you know it's happening.


It also means that we'll temporarily be without our custom board hacks, like Premier banners over avatars, spinnies, spoiler tags, and so on. It may take a few days to get those put back online, but they'll get there.


The end result should be snappier and more robust board software. It's got some nifty new features that I think you'll like.


And yes, I'm still tired of posting server updates. I should change my name to Server Update Boy. I mean, it's not like interesting things aren't happening (they really are), it's just not time to talk about any of it yet. But in the meantime I'll just do the server updates in my best Ben Stein voice.


"Bueller. Bueller. Server."


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If it means a better board, go ahead :) Not that it's already great already, but if it improves it... Yay!


And as for your name? I think it'd be best off as 'Aoran's Friend' or 'Big Boss Dude' or something like that. Server Update Boy is just bleeegh.

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Please tell me us the feature so we can look forward to them Please.

I think it's more fun as a surprise. And if there's a real burning desire in your heart, the information is available on the web.

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We have right now 2.1.7... Will you just be updating one stop, or going to 2.3?

Latest stable release. No sense in going half-measures, as I have a feeling this will be the last upgrade we do for a while.

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I suggest changing your name to Bicycle Repair Man.

Yeah, but ya gotta admit "Server Burper" just has that certain ring to it, yeah?

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So will we have the user ratings feature? Seems to me that would be redundant since we already have the PE system... It might also result in some bruised egos.





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So will we have the user ratings feature? Seems to me that would be redundant since we already have the PE system... It might also result in some bruised egos.



Not necessarily... I think that feature's been available for a while, but we don't necessarily turn all the features on.

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Yeah, I really hope that what the serevr is now is not what the final update will be. The board's reverted back to some of the old skin mixed wit hthe new skin mixed with some new wierd stuff!

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