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Cigarette Conspiracy



Have you ever noticed how many cigarette butts you'll find in one given area? Or how many stores and locations are "No Smoking" places? Or how high cigarette sales have been and remain, and the same for the number of smokers? It's all connected. Every time a smoker goes into a no-smoking establishment, if they're smoking they have to put out the cigarette. Once they leave, they probably light another one up. Add that to laws about smoking in public places, your home, and wherever, and you realize how often this can happen to one smoker. And it means they probably have to buy cigarette cartons a lot more often. No-smoking laws might be a useful thing to help prevent fires, second hand smoke, and various other problems, but it's all just an extremely effective ad for cigarettes. Smoking bans in places like pubs didn't get passed sooner because the cigarette companies fully backed the opponents of the proposals, until they realized how much money they could make from it. Who needs more smokers when you can maintain a more or less stable number and make them buy more? And guess who manufactures the nicotine patches and whatnot?


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There's the rants I've come to know and expect. I guess so, but wouldn't that, addiction and all, give smokers another reason to quit, in addition to the massive addition to price?



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I always finish my ciggies before I enter anywhere... Then I light up when I leave...


I haven't been to the bowling alley as often since they passed the smoking ban here in ohio... Darn anti-smoking politicians... They're taking away our freedoms one at a time... Next thing you know, ciggarettes will be outlawed all together... You know what that would do to the economy? Flush it right down the drain...


If they outlawed ciggarettes, I'd have a bunch of tobacco plants sitting in my basement under grow lights...

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Yeah, but sometimes you need things that make you feel good taken away from you because they're extremely bad for you.
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