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Rating People?



I'm sad. Why are there ratings for people? I mean, I see how this could get depressing any moment. Some cantankerous kid in a bad mood could stumble upon my innocent, little viewing profile page and rate it a one just to be malicious. I can understand how blogs can be rated, one can easily change those , but people? Some examples:


What? This person isn't a girl? Rating 1

This person doesn't post enough. Rating 3

I just don't like this person's avatar Rating 1

I just don't like how this person types. Rating 1


So on and so on...


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You aren't a girl. You don't post enough to my standards. I hate your avatar. And your typing is just..... lets not go there.


Which is why I shall not rate your blog/profile a 1.


Lets give it a 5.




Yayz! I meet none of Omi's standards!!! :P

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I said this in mcspams blog and I'll say it again

This is what the world hs come to "rating people"If you get a five your the best- if you get a one you fail at life. I say its a genious system that will sniff out the weak in the BZP community.


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Here are these bored strangers, clicking on random profiles, and they come across one and say, "You know what, I just dislike this person; thinking he's so great just because he uses good grammar," and then rate some poor member one star. And there is the member, with a low rating and no idea how or why he got it.


It takes one slip of the mouse to accidentally bring someone's awesomeness down. Rating a blog is one thing, because it's the content you're rating, but rating an existing person you hardly know is just not right...




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