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Toa Achilles (Tums)


If you want to submit a topic for tomorrow's rant, reply to this entry, and post it in Bold.


Today's Rant Topic: Llamas!


Well, I can't pretend like I didn't know it was coming. It's BZP, for crying out loud, and practically half its members own, are related to, co-work with, poach, or are a llama.


Why llamas? And if do the Spanish pronounce it 'yama?'


The truth is, people probably just chose the llama to be their... er... 'scapegoat' of sorts. Whenever people need some animal to reference, they can use the llama. Whenever they need a character to fill in a position, they can use a llama. Whenever they completely ruin something and need someone to blame, they can use the llama.


There’s even a secret conspiracy group called the Tumsy Llama Official Force Squad I made up a while ago where we (I) go out and capture all the evil wild llamas that roam Metru Nui (oh, sorry, BZNui) and hide them in the Archives (closed topic archives) where they are safe from Visorak (spammer-flammer-Visorak-newbs) and we can turn them from evil into good llamas! (Outstanding Premier BZP llamas)


Unfortunately, we’ve got a relative total of zero llamas in captivity, and a bombing zero percent turned over to the justice side, but we mustn’t give up hope! Surely someday we’ll actually try to catch one and succeed…


Oh, shoot! It's not a secret anymore. Dang!


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