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Wise Guy -- Sample From My Screenwriting Class




This is just a quick story for my Screenwriting Workshop summer class -- everybody in class liked it, so I figured, "Why not have a blog entry AND homework done?" :P Inspired in part by the Hagar the Horrible comic strip.

It's written in the format for a screenplay (as close as BZP formatting can do), which might be a little jarring at first. Some tips -- "beat" means "slight pause", and the all caps either introduce a new character or are sound effects. :)



Wise Guy



PILGRIM, young man, reaches the top of a mountain. Wise OLD MAN, short, long gray beard, thick gray clothing, cloth hood, sits atop mountain. Peak has a small plateau surrounded by a few pointy rocks on the edges. Small stone house behind old man on other side of plateau. Snow covers house, ground, and old man’s hood and shoulders. Sound of WIND WHISTLING through the rocks.


Greetings, oh Wise Man! I have heard of your great wisdom, so I have traveled far to this mountain and struggled for days to reach the top to seek--


Yeah, yeah. My nose can tell. Go away.


Oh! I’m so sorry if I have offended you in my rush to beg your advice! Such is my great foolishness compared to your lofty wisdom!


I know. Scram.


Please sir, I will leave quickly once you give me advice. You see, there’s this girl—


You know how many times some random pilgrim has said that? Everybody thinks they can come here and say “How?” and I jump up, salute, and say “That’s how!” like a slave. I’m SICK of it.


But sir! Your wisdom is so great, and I have traveled so far to learn of it!


Well that was stupid. You think I came up here to have company?

Pilgrim is silent, stunned look on face.


Are you still here? Look, let me guess. You’re dating her, but she can’t stand your drinking problem, and you’re afraid to ask her to marry you.


Why, yes sir! How did you know?


Please. The nose, remember? Besides, look behind you. What do you see?

Pilgrim turns.

A line of OTHER PILGRIMS stretches for miles down the mountain, some coming, some going.


Now do I have to spell it out, or do you have a brain?


No sir. I mean, yes…


What is your advice, great wise one?


Marry the girl, quit drinking, work hard, invest in mountain climbing gear.


Divorce the girl, start drinking again, retire, and write a book on why you shouldn’t invest in mountain climbing gear.


Get rich. Then re-marry the girl, and keep drinking. Got it? Now go away.


But sir! She doesn’t care about money. That’s what I love about her.



Old man tugs his beard.


Well, that was my giveaway advice. If you want anything else, you must answer a riddle.


I’ll try.


Where can a hermit find peace?

Pilgrim looks deep in thought.


And “on a distant mountain” is not an option…


Well, I live in the city, and nobody ever asks me for advice. And I shave my beard.

Old man’s eyes widen. He lifts his beard up, stares at it.


Oh. I guess I forgot to shave again.

Old man looks at pilgrim. Drops beard with a RUSTLING SOUND.


Irony and paradox! The best place to avoid people is where the people already are. Brilliant! I say, young man, you are the wise one.


You know, there really is no rum here. No beer, no wine. Would your girl, by chance, like a home with a scenic view?

Pilgrim slowly grins.


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Just Awesome.


One thing that would be nice though, is when the many pilgrims thing comes in you should make him count:

Pilgrim: 1, 2, 3... Oh! 6 Billion People!...


And... May I actually ask my teacher to present this to the school?


The Disousa

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Just Awesome.


One thing that would be nice though, is when the many pilgrims thing comes in you should make him count:

Pilgrim: 1, 2, 3... Oh! 6 Billion People!...


And... May I actually ask my teacher to present this to the school?


The Disousa

Sure! As long as you give credit (I'm sure you would, I just have to say it :P). In what capacity?


I'm not planning on really revising this anymore, but I suppose that would be cool, about the pilgrim thing. :shrugs: Although 6 billion is a bit much, given that it's roughly the current population of the Earth and this takes place long before now, eh? :P

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Just Awesome.


One thing that would be nice though, is when the many pilgrims thing comes in you should make him count:

Pilgrim: 1, 2, 3... Oh! 6 Billion People!...


And... May I actually ask my teacher to present this to the school?


The Disousa

Sure! As long as you give credit (I'm sure you would, I just have to say it :P). In what capacity?


I'm not planning on really revising this anymore, but I suppose that would be cool, about the pilgrim thing. :shrugs: Although 6 billion is a bit much, given that it's roughly the current population of the Earth and this takes place long before now, eh? :P

That's the fun part. Load's'a people! :P


And if this is a long time ago... How come there is Climbing Gear, drinking problems and Mountaoin Gear Books?! :P Just a thought... :D


On Assembly. In front of the whole school... He... I'll give credit, don't worry.


And can I change it to have slight differences? Yeah, I'm probably asking a lot... He... :shrugs:


So can I?


The Disousa

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Just Awesome.


One thing that would be nice though, is when the many pilgrims thing comes in you should make him count:

Pilgrim: 1, 2, 3... Oh! 6 Billion People!...


And... May I actually ask my teacher to present this to the school?


The Disousa

Sure! As long as you give credit (I'm sure you would, I just have to say it :P). In what capacity?


I'm not planning on really revising this anymore, but I suppose that would be cool, about the pilgrim thing. :shrugs: Although 6 billion is a bit much, given that it's roughly the current population of the Earth and this takes place long before now, eh? :P

That's the fun part. Load's'a people! :P


And if this is a long time ago... How come there is Climbing Gear, drinking problems and Mountaoin Gear Books?! :P Just a thought... :D

True, lol. But comics do that all the time -- I still say 6 million is too many... Six thousand?


On Assembly. In front of the whole school... He... I'll give credit, don't worry.

Man, now I'm nervous. :P Go ahead -- and lemme know what parts draw laughs. If any. :lol:


And can I change it to have slight differences? Yeah, I'm probably asking a lot... He... :shrugs:


So can I?


The Disousa

Sure, as long as you send me or post the changes (you can just email it to bonesiii@gmail.com or PM it to me). Just 'cuz I'm curious what you'd change.

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Just Awesome.


One thing that would be nice though, is when the many pilgrims thing comes in you should make him count:

Pilgrim: 1, 2, 3... Oh! 6 Billion People!...


And... May I actually ask my teacher to present this to the school?


The Disousa

Sure! As long as you give credit (I'm sure you would, I just have to say it :P). In what capacity?


I'm not planning on really revising this anymore, but I suppose that would be cool, about the pilgrim thing. :shrugs: Although 6 billion is a bit much, given that it's roughly the current population of the Earth and this takes place long before now, eh? :P

That's the fun part. Load's'a people! :P


And if this is a long time ago... How come there is Climbing Gear, drinking problems and Mountaoin Gear Books?! :P Just a thought... :D

True, lol. But comics do that all the time -- I still say 6 million is too many... Six thousand?

Times Yotta. Now go Figure that one out! ;) :P


On Assembly. In front of the whole school... He... I'll give credit, don't worry.

Man, now I'm nervous. :P Go ahead -- and lemme know what parts draw laughs. If any. :lol:

Wow... Short conversation... Just kidding! :P

And can I change it to have slight differences? Yeah, I'm probably asking a lot... He... :shrugs:


So can I?


The Disousa

Sure, as long as you send me or post the changes (you can just email it to bonesiii@gmail.com or PM it to me). Just 'cuz I'm curious what you'd change.

I will. I'll add the 6 billion people though! Ok, maybe thousand... *Grumble, Grumble...*


The Disousa

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