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The Best Holiday Place To Go On Summer Vacation



So now that it's summer vacation on many countries, parents and children alike are often bothered about the fact "Where to go on Summer vacation?!?".


This is very annoying in many cases, but luckily, I have the best place for you to go to: Antartica.


Why? Well, it's terroist free (Why would a terroist want to bomb Antartica? :P ), looks of white snow and ice (A relief for summer), amazing blizzards which would freeze you in your tracks, perfect for Ice Toa fans, and also you get to see animals like Penguins and Leopard Seals and ORCAS.


Along that, you can also exprience the dangerous life-threatening rays from the sun through the hole in the ozone layer AND exprience Global Warming at the same time! :o


So what better place to spend your summer vacation? Go to Antartica today!


~ Bioran

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