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Wyrd Bid Ful Araed


As I said in my PP comments, I was planning to do an epic sequel to AHC

However as none of the players have bothered to reply yet, I thought I might pique their curiosity with a bit of a teaser...

And even if you didn't play AHC and have no idea what I'm on about, you might enjoy this anyway




Fire. Ask just about about anyone and they'll tell youit's a destructive element. The element of rage. Burning, melting, all-consuming. But ask a Ta-Matoran and he'll tell you a different story. Fire is the purger. It brings as much life as water with its heat and light. And lava-fed volcanic soil is highly fertile. Which is why the Matoran of Kora-Nui where enjoying a time of prosperity. The disaster of years ago brought about a success. The ruin of Anxeria was converted to farmland, giving abundant produce. Whatever wasn't eaten was traded. Life was good...


* * * * * * *


The annual rains were coming. He could feel it. The changing currents of air were bringing with them dark clouds, laden with moisture. Good, he wouldn't have to fly out and drag them to the farmlands like last year. They stored up food, but a famine could only bring ill. Toa Hawk stood up, stretching his wings. He was at the Coastal range, watching the waves and the movement of the tides from his vantage point on a mist-shrouded rock. Very therapeutic. This was his private spot, inaccessible unless you had wings. He stood and watched a while longer as the waves ruthlessly pounded the cliffs. Hawk smiled a little. To think, water Toa were so gentle...

A flash of color

Hawk turned, sure he had seensomething that was neither bird, nor rock, nor mist. He scanned the area with his eagle-eyes. There was a labyrinth of tunnels undeneath these cliffs. Perhaps something in that network had found its way up? Perhaps if he searched telepathically?


"Hey Feather-head, done forcasting?"


Hawk rolled his eyes. Just his luck that one of the only other beings with wings on the island was a dragon-child with a supposed sense of humour. He leapt into the sky


"Gale force winds on the way Sentrek. Perhaps we could use your ego as a shield?"


* * * * * * *


They were leaving, bantering away as they did. That was both good...and bad. Good because now the Hermit didn't need to worry about being found. He sighed for the second time, and for the second time a psychodelic display was put on by his mask. That had almost given him away when Hawk had been on his perch, but there was no-one to see him this time. He shuffled back to his cave, supporting himself over the course rock with a protodermis haft. His cave was a simple dwelling, sparsely decorated with flotsam washed up by the sea. At the back there was a niche in the wall that served as a bed. It was occupied. A Toa lay there, covered in a quilt of leaves and seaweed. A water Toa, judging by the colouration. By her bedside a shelf had been cut into the wall (it was far to angular and neat to be natural). There was only one thing resting in it. A butterfly. A butterfly made entirly out of sonics...


* * * * * * *


The Tower of Honour was long gone. If the Dark Hunters and Brotherhood in their 'Shadow Alliance' hadn't gotten to it, then the volcano would have. But it had been replaced. The Tower of Hope was not only an operations hub for the Toa, but a memorial to the War of the Kanohi. Hawk alighted by the Statue of Sacrifice, in the courtyard. The Statue was made of metal, and depicted three figures. One was a noble Toa, fighting to the last against heavy odds. The other two were Dark Hunters, one a spindly monster chain-connected blades, the other was a Toa-like figure who lay defeated on the ground. Few knew the true story behind this statue...Hawk knew. He had picked up residual memories from it. He gazed into the face of the Toa, adorned by a Kaukau shaped Mask. Koname and Zeidak were old enemies. It was only right that they died together, metallified by the energies of a Nova Blast. He patted the Koname-figure on the back before heading to the Tower to hear reports of Bandits, and stragglers of the Shadow Alliance...


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Yay, someone actually remembered Zeidek. :D

It sounds pretty awesome, but I only skimmed it. I really don't have too much time on my hands at the moment.

Make sure to send me a link when it's done, I'd love to read it.


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How could you forget someone like Zeidak?

Plus he was one of the few characters that I could remember the fate of :lookaround: I would have done a scene starring Vezak, Szekkan, Rodrak and Kamelus, but realised that Rodrak and Kamelus might possibly have died


So it would be helpful if AHC players would get in touch and remind me what happened to their characters, and if they want them included in the epic or not

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How could you forget someone like Zeidak?

Plus he was one of the few characters that I could remember the fate of :lookaround: I would have done a scene starring Vezak, Szekkan, Rodrak and Kamelus, but realised that Rodrak and Kamelus might possibly have died


So it would be helpful if AHC players would get in touch and remind me what happened to their characters, and if they want them included in the epic or not


This is utterly delightful! Koname gets a statue, huzzah! Or is one...anywho, I think it's a good idea. Hagarothe and Koname are dead (even if an identical Koname exists in AMG), but Igolo...well, he got away from the DH Temple...who knows, he could've stayed on Kora Nui, helped the Toa rebuild (he was an architect of sorts, you know, even if I never used that bit of his profile much). I think this epic would be very interesting...a lot of characters' fates were never decided, so there's a lot of potential in the air...

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Fantastic! Do more!!!

Annatare and Djekkar are probably not going to be there but Lina would be with Sentrek, Vicala with Hawk (obvious) and Raven with Hohnzek... wherever he is.

Feel free to play around! I will defiantly be a regular reader!



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If you hadn't guessed, the third Statue figure is Morza, who joined the fight on Koname's side


Any guesses to who the Hermit is? Theres a really big clue at the end of his paragraph


One more question, would you only want the original characterst in this epic, or would you like to see some new ones as well? Of course, if there aren't enough characters left to form a decent story around, I'll have to include new ones :P

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If you hadn't guessed, the third Statue figure is Morza, who joined the fight on Koname's side


Any guesses to who the Hermit is? Theres a really big clue at the end of his paragraph


One more question, would you only want the original characterst in this epic, or would you like to see some new ones as well? Of course, if there aren't enough characters left to form a decent story around, I'll have to include new ones :P


I had. :P


Pitt, quite obviously...is Shaar with him?


New ones for sure...and more Arkhaan :lol:

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It's Pitt! And his (depending on the time frame or what) girlfriend/wife (her name eskapes me)

Speaking of which Vick and Hawk would be married,

Lina and Sentrek... close to engagement vary close

Raven... no idea...



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Do you have Celestes permission to do this? Meh.


But Kamelus and Shanrahk took off. Kamelus just turned coward and fled while Makuta saved Shanrahk himself. Makuta is very unhappy with both of them.


Muhan obviously lives and just wounders around doing things. Those deadly vipers I reintroduced at the end of AHC would most likely stay on Kora Nui and help rebuild. There leader would be wit them now.



-The Lord

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Yeah it's obviously (to anyone who played AHC) Pitt, and the Toa in the bed is his sweetheart, Shaar. Why shes in the bed will be elaborated on. As will why Pitt is hiding


Do I need Celeste's permission?

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I belive so yes. Awhile back I was part of an RPG called Burn of the River. When we finished I tried to make a parody of it in comedies but it was closed cause the starter diddn't give permission.



-The Lord

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I really don't think Celeste would mind or care...

As I reflect on the game. I don't think it was really that important to her, or else she would have "Made" time to run it and Finish it properly...

but that is just my opinion.



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I actually got to read the whole thing, finally. It's wonder-freakin-ful! I really can't wait to read it when it's done.

Argh....pity Zeidek won't be in it though, since he's dead and all....Maybe Aores could come back? -Crosses fingers-

Yeah, I know he's a bland and depressing character...XD

And about the whole permission thing, didn't Tira start an AHC parody without Celestes permission? That wasn't closed, was it?


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Maybe with LoD's parody the creator of the RPG found it and didn't like his/her creation being parodied? Celeste might have enjoyed seeing her RPG get so much press

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Yayeth, AHC is back. And who better to do it than the creator of half the plot in the RPG :P

If Djekkar was still on the island, he would probably make frequent visits to the Hills of Eternal snow.

Ithranna, where do you think Annatare and Djekkar would be?

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"A Dense Response"? XD


Maybe..."An Empty Echo" or something like that...but I'd try to use the word Echo. Just because it's cool.

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