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Commemorative Bricks Shipped



I took advantage of BZP downtime to finish shipping all the Commemorative Bricks we sold. That was no mean task... I sold 140 of them (very close to my goal of 150), which was excellent. Thanks to everyone who bought one or two!


The International shipments should get there in a week to 10 days. The domestic US ones should mostly be delivered by now. I feel good about that project - it cost me a couple of hundred out of pocket, but the end result was very cool, and produced something that (apparently) a lot of people wanted. It also helped put more than $500 toward BZPower hosting costs - which will help, because we are now on a more expensive server.


It's too bad I was never able to get the BZP DVD-ROM project off the ground, but at least a couple of good things have come from it (like Greg's Toa Tuyet story, and the engraved bricks).



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Got mine a few days ago. Very nice! Almost better quality than real LEGO bricks.


(Quality control, TLG. Quality control.)


HT is enjoying his grip on BZP, though. Haha.

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I don't have mine yet. Did you send any to bundalings@yahoo? Please say yes... I never got the recept, because I accidently blocked Paypal's address. Do you think, if I made a mistake, I could buy some from you now? I mean, if they don't come in a few days.



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I don't have mine yet. Did you send any to bundalings@yahoo? Please say yes... I never got the recept, because I accidently blocked Paypal's address. Do you think, if I made a mistake, I could buy some from you now? I mean, if they don't come in a few days.



Yes, I definitely remember sending yours out. No worries.

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I love receiving things I expected (and wanted) in the mail. *Glares at junk mail I didn't order*


Let the planning begin.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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What exactly is going to happen to 10 leftover bricks? I am just wondering because there may be chance that people still want some. I also can think of a few ideas of how you could get them sell off too.


Like for an example: you could like offer to people, who are sign up for Premier membership that don't have enough money for lifetime membership, but more than enough for a year; a chance to also get a Bzpower Commemorative Brick with it.


Of course, that just my idea of what you could do with it. Man, if only I could have use Paypal, then I could have want. Oh well. ~JMJ-07

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They arrived today... lovely.


However, one of the has some paint smudges and scrapes... oh well. Still cool.


And if you are willing to sell those extras off for cheap...



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Just got mine in the mail today. They're cool, the blue bricks were a good choice, fits with BZP's color scheme.


Maybe someday you could make slope-bricks with Tohu's face on them. Now those would be awesome.



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Ha, offer the remaining bricks as contest prizes. It might be a bit cheeper than giving a titan to a BBC winner, but be mighty cool and rare.


Glad you made a profit, Bink. The DVD-Rom thing isn't completely out of the picture, right? Like it could happen in the next ten years or so, right? :P


And thanks again for working so hard to keep the server up.



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My brother and I are awaiting ours. I'm glad that BZP could profit from this fundraiser and that I could be a part of it. :)



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