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Driving! Moving! So Much To Say!

Lady Kopaka


*Dances to Family Force 5* Hold up, wait a minute! Put a lil' love in it!


Ok anyway, guess what?


I'm going to get my permit around September! That means I can start legally driving around the place! One step closer to escaping my horrid life....er…I mean...Never mind. :P


Nevertheless, I need to ask my dad to help me get better in driving in standard. Automatic is pretty easy, so I am not too worried about that save for following the proper rules when driving. I do want to learn Standard though as I find that important to learn and I'd get to drive my dads huge truck around, nothing cooler than seeing a girl drive a pick up!


Oh speaking of which, dad says once we move and can afford it, he's gunna get me an old jeep and he and I are going to fix/upgrade/customize it.


Wait, did I say I am moving? Yes I am! And I am so happy, we'd get our pets back, we would be allowed to do whatever we wanted with the house...and it would be ours! No more, old silly rent house! There are many reasons why we are happy to be moving (Neighborhood not the greatest, our brothers bikes just got stolen. And the house is way too small for 8 people living in it)


Also, one of the best parts is that where we are moving I'll be really close to a lot more of our friends and town, and I'll get my own room. Yes, MY OWN ROOM.




So I am super duper happy right now. :happydance: Lots of awesome things going on....except for school, going into 10th grade is scaring me.


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I was supposed to start working for my permit sometime at the beginning of the year. :P Now I don't think I'll get it till I'm... 19. Yes.


Hope you have fun at yer new house! =D Same state?

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Your own room? Lucky. I have to share it with three other people. V_V


Bad neighborhoods can be rather scary at times. Ahh, and tenth grade isn't that bad. Well, for those who are unfortunate enough to go to regular school...


Good luck on getting your license! ^_^



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Lol, congrats. :happy:


Hope you have fun wreakingdriving your car. ( :P )


Eight people in your house, you say? Heh, one short of my setup.


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Yay for your own room! =D I can feel the joy - I myself did not get my own room until I moved here to OH 3 years ago. It's so... roomy. ^^ Hope that the moving goes smoothly!


I need to get my permit renewed. XD


Bah, 10th grade ain't so bad. You shall live, you ... LK, you. :P


Now senior-dom... *shudders* It's making me feel ooold. XD



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Ooh...I envy you. You get to drive soon. A few days ago, some of my friends from camp and I were talking about how you can go up a hill in neutral...But I don't recommend it until you're really confident in driving.


Ouch. I'm sorry that your brother's bike was stolen. I know how bad that would feel. :(

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Glad to hear everything's going well! I myself am plenty old enough to get a learner's permit (in fact, old enough to get a license, if not for that I would have needed to get a permit nine months ago), but I'm not too comfortable picturing myself behind the wheel.


Also glad to hear about the moving! Maybe once you have your own room, you might be able to get a computer of your own! More Lady Kopaka, more of the time... I like the sound of that :) .


Don't be scared of 10th grade, Lady K. I made it through, and am now faced with 11th grade... a far scarier prospect, IMHO :fear:.


I'm praying for the best for you and your family every day. Keep positive!


- :vahi:

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I wish I could drive. I got people I wanna run ov-- er, places to go.


Congrats on the move and the room ^^


I really should be doing that whole driving learning track thing... but after Drivers Ed I completely forgot about it.

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Why I'm putting off getting my license I don't know.

For sure, you need to know how to learn in a Standard (Manual down here). Then it's pretty easy to pick up with an automatic afterwards. That's probably why I'm not going for it, since no one in my family owns a Manual.

Oh, and have a good move! By the sounds of it, the transition will be easy. :P



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Wow, I know how you feel, aside from the permit. We just got done moving from really cruddy apartments to a house that we now own!! I share your joy. Although, I've always had my own room... I'm an only child.

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Hurray! Good luck with the move LK. It'll be even sweeter once you get your license. Though you'll probably have to have a job by then so you can pay insurance unless your folks pay for it.


Hey, if you wanna learn how to drive stick, just ask me :D .


- :t::l::h:

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Dagg Dok, I thought my Temp. Blog that got that image was special- pfft. Lol.


I just got my own new room too, barely moved in, shared with a brother. Gets old, huh? 'cept you prolly cshared with a sis?


I get to take Driver's Ed. this fall, as long as I can come up with $250 of my own.. Paretns'll get the rest, I hope.


And a Jeep, custom? Lucky. :unsure:

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