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The game is named well. DOOM 3 has nothing on this. Where DOOM frightens you with voices and things that jump out at you, F.E.A.R. makes you see many more.


I was watching my grandfather play today, as I said in the last entry that we got it for him for his birthday. Just by watching I know I won't sleep tonight.


Kay, first, I've noticed that weird stuff happens when near water. First, something ran by a window as he climbed out of a flooded room. Then, he dropped through a ventilation shaft and into another flooded room. As soon as he hit the water, the screen flashed white. Next thing we know, he's in a white hallway while waist-deep in blood. He moves slowly toward the door (through which the silhouette of a man can be seen). Just before he reaches it, a skeleton jumpes out from below and grabs him. Then he's back in the flooded room. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.


Next, he's on a catwalk with a ladder leading down to a lower one. As he climbs down, he turns on the ladder and sees a little girl standing there. A second later, she dissolves into ash. He slides down, turns to the left, and a man is pointing a gun at him. Before he can react, that man also dissolves into ash. But there's still more to come.


His HUD starts glitching up and stuff -- not a glitch of the game, but a supernatural presence is messing with it. As soon as it does, a man starts walking across the room ahead of him. As he passes behind a pipe, he never comes out on the other side. Now, he enters a long, dark hallway with an open door on the other end. Yeah, you know that just sets up for weird stuff. A few steps in, the lights flicker and the hanging light in the room at the end starts swinging back and forth violently. As he reaches the door, it slams shut, along with the one behind him. He turns, and the little girl from before (almost like the Grudge, but freakier) is slowly walking toward him. A second later, he's in that same white hall as before. Except now the blood is somehow floating on the ceiling above. The same door is at the end, and a fire can be seen blazing through the window. As he nears it, a ghost... thing breaks the window and flies at him. He turns to see what looks like a yellow-eyed, burnt upper half a person floating toward him. Before it touches him, it disappears in a puff of ashy smoke. He walks to the other end again and with a flash, he's through the door that slammed shut earlier.


Of course, neither of these incidences are the first times he's met said girl, from what he told me. This time she only served to scare him. The three times before when I didn't watch, according to him, she set the whole room on fire and killed him. That's when you have to activate this super-reflex Matrix mode and run like no other.


Well, to lighten you all up from this macabre little series of events, I've got some VERY interesting info from Greg about the Mata I'll post in the OGDT. I'm waiting for another reply back, though. According to him, we will learn of some of their early adventures -- as in, BEFORE being put into canisters and launched to Mata Nui -- very soon.


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F.E.A.R. is pretty awesome, isn't it? I've only played the demo so far. At about 4 in the morning. :lol:


Alma is creepy, alright.


Yes!! More Mata info!! Woohoo!!



By sharp and fame,



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Alma? Is that the little girl's name?


While these games do freak me out, I can't get enough of them for some reason. They freak me out so bad that I say I'm done, and yet I find myself wanting to continue.


I'm not actually playing this one, personally, just watching, so it's not as bad. :P

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Yup. I really don't like her. Those hallways are pretty cool, though.


Funnily enough, F.E.A.R. doesn't scare me, but Doom does for some reason. Maybe I'm immune to my own imagination.


EDIT: Whoa. Maybe I'll have to sig that last sentence. ^_^



By sharp and fame,



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F.E.A.R? I barely made it through the demo! :P It is way too creepy and deranged... Looks like you have a thing for creepy stuff, eh? :D


Anyway, I can't wait till you post that new info.

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Heh. I just played through the F.E.A.R. Extraction Point demo. Without dying.


You start out in a room. There is a door. You go through it. The door in that room slams shut. You open it. There are a few guys in the room. You kill them. A big powersuit or something breaks through a door. If you picked up all the weapons on the way, you should be able to kill it. Slo-mo is your friend.


Several rooms after this...


There is a doorway. You go through it. There's a vent to your right. Go down it. You can't use your flashlight. You crouch and try to move. You can move in only one direction. As you're moving through the vent, you hear your footsteps. And something else. You drop out of the vent. It's fairly dark. There's a dead body or two. You go right. Then left. You walk through the door. There is a very dark corridor. You walk down it. Something moves up ahead. Then you see something move in front of the doorway at the end of the corridor. It keeps going. You continue down the corridor. You turn right, as that's the direction the thing went. There's a blank wall. You turn the other way. There's a noise. You keep going. There's a door, which you open. There's a dark room. Something moves against the far wall. It goes very fast. Something moves from the other side of the room. It hits you, but you can't see it. You melee it. It disappears. You see two red dots against the far wall. You shoot at them and they disappear. You continue into the room. You go right. Something move to your left. There's a door to your left. You go through it. There's a corridor. It's fairly bright, and has ads along the walls. You keep walking. The corridor turns green. You see tons of thing crawling towards you. None of them are on the floor. You see Alma.


Demo ends.





By sharp and fame,



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Heh. Heh. Hehehehehehehehehehehehe...


Scared ya?


Just a note: F.E.A.R. is best played with either surround sound or earphones. Normal stereo speakers don't convey the feel of it that well.



By sharp and fame,



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