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A Week Of Surprises



Well, it's been an amazing week...an amazingly long week, that is. First, life problems, including playing with cow tongues at the local youth group (long story), then BZP problems. So, banners, avatars, I have a shop. The link's in my sig. I'm working on requests, but people post too fast. Anyways, so, you might have read my epic, Aftershock: After the Toa Nuva. Well, out this fall is coming Aftershock 2, Zota Nui: Island of Vengence. The new epic has taken me weeks to work on. Most of my MOCs for it are still prototypes, considering the fact that I need at least three Toa Inika to make my Toa of fire, water, and air. I've finished my Toa of Ice and Toa of Stone, and I must say they're awesome. The weapons I'm using on them are custom this time, as well as the powers. The masks this year will have a great twist, being that they are native to the new island. New powers, new villians, and new weapons are everything. The new epic should have a more book feel, since I am writing in a free tone. So far I am done nearly with half the storyline, but I face the constant dilema of where I'm going to end up. Beign a youg author, and having two published books that only I have the copis of, I am faced greatly with the challenges. I am also nearly half-way done with my promo video, so hopefully you'll all like that. Well, see you around. I have to go kick some butt on the Guitar Hero video game against my older sister's friends.




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Thanks. :). I have published books, but I never sold them to anyone. My friends are private publishers, which means they can get a book published and not have it put on the market. However, I am working on a long term book project.



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