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I Is Organized

Lady Kopaka


I is sorry I've been so down guys, I am also sorry if I've been acting a little...attention hungry? I didn't mean for that to happen if it did, I just wanted to rant and stuff and didn't mean you guys to get all worried...


But ok, I'm over the emo faze! I'm going to force myself to a positive attitude and I'm going to try not to get as sick and sad as I did before. But I do warn you, I will have my rant posts time to time. :P


Ok so, I took Takatu's advice (originally my advice I gave to him =P), I organized my life, and I ate lots of virtual brownies from Niki. I also hid in my room and grabbed my bible, just played Video games and tried to relax.


It was so nice to lie around and not to worry about stuff I need to do. XD


Though, tomorrow is my official day to start 10th grade work. And so, I plan to take a break from the computer...not that I don't want to, but I plan to focus next week on school and either getting caught up on art stuff, and just to overall organize what I need to do and what I need to cut out from life. Now I'm not saying you wont here from me this next week, I'll probably post an entry or two and try to stay caught up with PMs, and I'll pop up on AIM/Yahoo/MSN once and awhile...but overall I'm just going to try to relax....or actually the Computer is what usually helps me relax, but I guess the main reason is because I don't want to fall behind in 10th grade stuff like what I did with 9th grade (I still haven't finished my Algebra I book :( ).




Ok super long explanation over. 8D I leave now to go finish writing up my Bionicle Art to Do List. There is A LOT of stuff on the list, but I feel better having this checklist instead of jumping around from drawing to drawing.


So yeah...err...


Thanks for the encouragement and helping me through that troubled time in my life!


EDIT: Oh yeah, also my art topic is safe. Due to BZP being down so much that took a lot of days out of getting a chance for me to update(though I was mainly busy with life so that would be hard to do), or for any person to post. So yay! It's ok and alive! So...if you guys could, make sure nothing bad happens to it while I'm away. :P


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Glad to hear things are working out for you (and, though I've never offered this before, I'll do my best to help you to understand any math you're having trouble with. It was years ago that I took geometry, though, so don't expect miracles.


And don't feel worried that you didn't deserve our attention. Whether you need it or not depends on the situation, but remember that everyone who posted advice did so of their own free will, because they wanted to help you out. You're worth all the attention we give you, perhaps more, and I never want you to be in doubt about that.


Remember, I'm always here to help, as I'm sure many people on this site are. Don't forget that.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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Yay for advice-sharing! :P


Well, I ask for nothing in return, just good to know you're feeling better. :) We here at BZP are always here for you!


Mmm, now I want a brownie. :P

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Hey! I'm glad to hear that you're thinking positive, and that you got into that Bible of yours. :D


Well, have a good start of school, m'lady! We shall be here when you're ready to come back. :)



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Nyah. I'm not leaving, I just meant to warn you I wouldn't be on as much. (Like on 30 minutes out of the day compared to my average few hours)


So far, my school day has ended great...I started some good Bionicle art, and...yay! Once again thanks for the help guys, you are all awesome!



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What? You want me to leave? ;-; No chocolate for you!


Today went so well and smoothly I had a lot more time to do stuff than I thought. :P *Goes to make a entry*

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Yay, Lady K is up and about again :happydance: . I'm so glad to hear that, and it sounds like you've pretty much got a good plan going. Just stick with it and I'm sure things will turn out just fine for you.


- :t::l::h:

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