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A Lesson To All Drivers

Spoony Bard




Although the word has many definitions to the world, the one pertaining to driving basically means giving the right of way to something else. Whether it be a pedestrian, car, or an animal, this sign wants you to yield to them instantly.


However I can't stress it enough, seriously. People do not know how to yield these days and many accidents occur because of it. When you come to a yield sign, and see someone coming, either accelerate faster, or just wait till they pass. People usually start to go just as the car passes, and never accelerate. This can cause a problem to the person who had right of way first, and pretty much has to slow down or speed up. Now I tend to slow down when someone defies the yield sign because I am not ready to crash my car into another, yet. But I honestly wish people would yield, and it only takes up a few seconds of your precious time.




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Amen to that. Too many drivers these days just don't seem to care about stuff like that. All they seem to concern themselves with is getting from point A to point B; no safety involved.

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Exactly, and you know what? Every stupid thing that a driver does to save time when put together saves what? 10 seconds? That's not very much to be risking your life on. In fact, as a fellow driver, I'm happy with, and can appreciate, the way that you seem to feel for driving. And for that, I give you this:





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First thing I do when I see the yield sign in the distance is begin to search for oncoming traffic. If I see oncoming traffic, I stop, let it pass, and then merge in. If there is no traffic or traffic well in the distance I accelerate to merge in. It's a simple concept people, really.
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