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New York Rush

Spoony Bard




So anyways, I went down to chill with Black Six (also known as Andrew). Took the Amtrak from Boston, cuz I didn't feel like driving. Spent most of the train ride chatting with a college student who goes to Pratt Institute and studies to be an architect. Had a nice chat about why colleges and teachers suck.


I arrived really late at night and met up with Andrew. His hospitality was appreciated and I thank him for it.


So our adventure begins on Friday. Was late morning/early afternoon and was too early to head into NY, so we played Halo for a bit. I am not sure what Andrew says about his Halo skillz here, but I kept covering his back way too much. ;)


After that we hopped the train and went to Times Square. This was my first time ever in NYC, and I am glad I got to spend it at Times Square. We first had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe, and had the honor of sitting right next to the guitar of Dimebag Darrell (may his soul RIP). I had me a nice New York strip steak, and it was fantastic I say. After we ate, we walked around the place to see the stuff. Got a pic of me with Elvis Presley's suit.


Next we went straight to the TRU. The place was HUGE, and like HUGE to the extreme. We went straight to the second floor to the Lego aisle, but in the process, I met up with Superman and an animatronic T-Rex. The store had the most impressive display of Lego I have ever seen, and I am not talking about the products as you can see here. They had a Pick-a-Brick section, and also a table to build things, but they had the section closed off. We didn't buy any Lego.


After that we went into Virgin to browse the selections. I spotted 12 Stones' new album, which was on sale, so I snatched it up and also picked up a copy of my fave Bond film ever (which was remastered), GoldenEye (Moonraker being my second, and View To a Kill being my third).


Our day was just getting close to evening time, but we didn't stop there. I was hankering for some chocolate, so Andrew showed me the Hershey store. After seeing it, I thought I was in heaven. Like just look at this pic and you will see why. ;)


Yes, Reese's! A whole section dedicated to my fave candy. Picked me up 2 six packs of Reese's, one being caramel and the other being White Chocolate. I even bought the syrup to go with it. Hopefully one day I get fat from eating these. I also bought a Reese's bear for Meaghan (cuz she loves bears and likes Reese's), and also a bracelet that had a Kiss on it.


So after much salivation for chocolate, we circled around and ended up back where we started, and noticed it was nearly time for Rush Hour 3. We were so psyched for the movie, we had to sit down and chill out before we start a riot of awesomeness. In fact, we were waiting for Janus and Lehvaklah, who were joining us to see the movie.


And we waited to the point of having to pick up their tickets, and me running down to meet them halfway through previews cuz they were late. :P


And I wasn't happy. :P


But we made it back in time to see more previews, so we didn't miss the beginning of the movie.


And we enjoyed it. And we also love George.


And the top pic is Janus, Andrew, and me.




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I know I'm probably signing my death sentence by saying this, but... Milky Ways > Reeses.


Ah, New York. Never went to Town Square. Heck, I think I've only been there twice. I don't live to far away, I should drive up there.


Was Rush Hour as good as the first two?

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I know I'm probably signing my death sentence by saying this, but... Milky Ways > Reeses.


Ah, New York. Never went to Town Square. Heck, I think I've only been there twice. I don't live to far away, I should drive up there.


Was Rush Hour as good as the first two?

Yes you just signed your death sentence. See you during christmas. ;)


Times Square was fun. Not something I would do everyday, but once in awhile it is a great experiance.


Yes, IMO it had more humor than the first two, though I feel there was less action.



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seeing as i live in kansas i dont get to go to new york.....

but i do have a classmate that used to live to live 2 miles away from new york city.

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He says he's not very good at Halo.


I was going to ask who took the picture, but I guess I got my answer. :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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I never tried a Reese before...




You, my friend, have never lived life to its fullest if you have not tried a Reese's.


Best. Candy. Ever. And seeing that store gives me the fondling urge to go to NY now. Just so I can gaze upon that sign.



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I never tried a Reese before...




You, my friend, have never lived life to its fullest if you have not tried a Reese's.

Quoted for truth.



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Did I ever tell you about the first time Rob saw Times Square? I wish I had gotten a picture of that. And one of the M&M slot machines at the M&M store.

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