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To Get The Sister Moving



When my little sister came into the room at 9pm, my twin and I noted that she was still in her school uniform.


She had not gone for her daily shower.


My twin was absolutely nit-picky about that. The surrogate mother of the house ordered the little grasshopper to make a move.


The little grasshopper continued to watch me play my MMORPG.



So, Twin came to me and she decided that we two should take up our duties as Elder Sisters to full responsibility - and get her to the bathroom.


We both attacked.


The little one stood no chance.



In a laughing fit, we tickled her off my bed - a feat, because this little sister of ours had not many tickle points to exploit - and she landed laughing in a hysterical lump.


Twin did something drastic.


"You take the back! I take the front!"


She grabbed her legs, I grabbed the arms, and we heaved and dragged. Little Sis was still in her laughing fit, so there was no resistance.


We dragged her out of the room, and the both of us were still laughing at the strange ridiculity of this action we took. Midway on on the trip of the bathroom, I had to drop the load and recover from my fit of laughter. Twin had done the same.


Now, finally, Twin recovered some sense and issued a threat to the little sis: Make your own way to the bathroom, or we'll drag you in.


Little Sis couldn't reply. She just whined and laughed at the same time - how she did it, I'm not sure.



So we dragged her all the way in, and retreated quickly when she went into a whining fit. We locked the door in our room, and Twin only peeped out once to check what had happened.


The bathroom door was closed, with the sounds of a shower coming from within.


Mission accomplished.




And believe me, you'll only find this random hilarity in my household alone.


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