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On Kauai



Just in case you didn't notice, I kinda didn't enter BBC #45...
I had Rayg finished, but I decided to noot enter Tufi... I just didn't have time to take pics. Last minute packing was crazy. I stayed up all night. We went from Hobby in Houston to Orange County, CA. We stayed at some relatives for two days. It was really fun. My little 5 year old cousin likes BIONICLE alot. I was shocked to see that he had a bunch of old sets... his mum said they got them at a resale shop. Lucky.
OC to Oakland, where we got on an ATA flight. (up till then we were on SW) ATA was much better, more comfy and such, which is good because it was alot longer flight... 5 and a half hours, I think.
Oakland to Lihue. There my dad(he had already gone so he could find a house and such), cousin, and my dad's friend(who is also from TX, he came to help dad start the business) picked us up at the airport, and drove us to Kapaa.

I started this entry a couple days ago, so now I'll finish it...

We went snorkeling a couple days ago, it was cool. Someone else saw some turtles, but I was too slow.

We've found a cool house, 1650 a month, pretty cheap in compairison to the other things we've seen. It's roomy, 3 bed, 2 bath and such. We can't move in until October 1st, though.

So far, we only know... like, my cousins here, and another family that my parents met on previous trips.
They've got a girl (11, I think) that likes Lego and video games and such. We get along pretty well.

I think I would have had a pretty good chance of doing well in the BBC finals...

I kinda forgot about the huge time difference, so I didn't get to vote. Here is what I was typing as Tufi closed the topic:

I really wish I had entered now... I might have had a better chance than I thought...

ToM's fishie is really cool and all. Some of the system pieces don't look that great on it, but hey.

Roa's is good, but I still see those good ol' Roa flaws: the overall lack of flow and such. Cool colors though... I wish there was more green on Kohaku. The random splashes of green hurt my eyes.

Munkeymunkey has a lack of flow and lummpyness... the colors are great, though.

Shine made it to the finals!
I'm so happy!
However, this ain't your bestest, yes?
It's cool, but it's kinda a... novelty? It's pretty muchly a ball of ball-joints...
The colors are good, and I love the way ye did the eyes, and the spikes-n-stuff is cool.
You were able to pull off smoothness amazingly well, considering the pieces you used.

This is so difficult... for the first time, I'm considering nulling.

I think I'll think about it and come back later.

The fins are so cool on Kelekantahu!

The armor and spear are so cool on Roa and Kohaku!

The colors are so cool on munkeymunkey!

The smoothness and heaad are so cool on Swimmy!


*crosses out Roa and munkey*

It's the fishies now...


Well, I think I'll vote for Kelekantahu. For the intresting design.





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However, this ain't your bestest, yes?

It's cool, but it's kinda a... novelty? It's pretty muchly a ball of ball-joints...

Best, no, novelty, yes. I was planning on Rayg as well, but I didn't get him finished started.
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So you live in Hawaii now? Interesting....


That's so cool about your cousin's sets (lucky.) and your neighbor liking Lego. That's just awesome.


Hmm, BBCC voting...makes one's head spin....



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