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ToM Dracone


School starts in a week. :fear:


...I'm actually sort of looking forward to it. Glad to be seeing people again, curious about who's new in my grade... all that stuff. But as usual, I want it never to happen, because that will mean summer will be over (where did it go?? Summer shouldn't go by this fast!) and I'll have to wake up early and there will be homework and more bleh.


It also means that I have only a week to finish the evil known as summer assignments. I'm almost done with my essay for AP Euro, but I still need to finish Pride and Prejudice for English and do whatever was assigned for it. I forgot to bring home the sheet about that, so I need to get someone to tell me... Oops.


Been pondering posting my schedule, might as well do it now:


1st: AP European History

2nd: Drawing (Astronomy second semester)

3rd: free except for Bio lab, supposedly, but I ought to have gym then...

4th: AP Biology

5th: English III

6th: AP Calculus AB

7th: Lunch (food!)

8th: AP Latin (Vergil's Aeneid, I think, but I can't remember...)

9th: free sometimes, independent study Greek other times


*wishes summer reading had never been invented*

~ ToM


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You'd think they'd have at least ONE decent book for summer reading...


Wait, you have summer assignments? Geez, I'd never be able to survive that. But I wish my school offered Latin, it sounds like so much fun...

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Pfft, I started school a week and a half ago! Haha.


I don't miss summer assignments. That's one great thing about college. At least, my college.


Don't know about other ones.

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Tiome, I must comment that your school is amazingly cool. Astronomy? European history? Greek? Dang ... (And how long are your periods? 7th period is lunch? You're gonna starve!)


You school reminds me of the Muse Academy, which is a webcomic you ought to look up ... you'd like it.

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One of my friends is doing five. He's the one who's crazy. :P I could have done AP English, too, but I thought... that would be way too much.


Kay – Well, Greek is hardly a regular course; I'm doing it as independent study... And lunch is around 1:00. Not so bad. I've lived through two years of it, so... :lookaround:


Nikira – Yay Astronomy. ^^

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