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A 14-karat Celebration



Big news. Really big news.


My girlfriend and I got engaged.


I proposed on the 24th and we celebrated on the 31st with a Finnish-style engagement party.


We both got rings.


A matching pair.


14k gold.


9 grams of gold for $220 Canadian.


That's a screaming deal, folks.


But that's beside the point.























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Also, woohoo for not spending an obscene amount on something so tiny, and getting two of the things for that price at that.


Woohoo! Blog party? Blog party.

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Congratulations! Oh, I'm so happy for you. Have you set a date yet?


A wedding gown with small embroidered white hedgehogs would be all kinds of marvelous.

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Wow, congratulations, BC! That's really awesome! I hope the two many long years of happiness! :D


Out of curiosity, how does a Finnish-style engagement party work? I've always loved Finnish aspects.

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*whistles* $220?


Way to go. Congrats! May the wedding be as happily inexpensive as the rings so that y'all can go on a happy honeymoon.

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Also, woohoo for not spending an obscene amount on something so tiny, and getting two of the things for that price at that.


Woohoo! Blog party? Blog party.

The local jeweller in my hometown said the rings would have cost almost twice as much from his store. Waaaay too much.


My first blog party! :D


Congratulations, BC! Are matching engagement rings a Finnish tradition? Just wondering.


What do your rings look like? You've got to have pictures. :)

I'm adding pics now. :)


Congratulations! Oh, I'm so happy for you. Have you set a date yet?


A wedding gown with small embroidered white hedgehogs would be all kinds of marvelous.

We've got a tentative date, yes.


I'll have to settle for hedgehog socks with my tux. We've got a tight schedule. :P


Wow, congratulations, BC! That's really awesome! I hope the two many long years of happiness! :D


Out of curiosity, how does a Finnish-style engagement party work? I've always loved Finnish aspects.

Well, the way we did it, we just invited a few relatives and friends for a li'l celebration Friday night. We made karjalanpiirakoita (rice pies), pullaa (coffee bread), cookies, and of course, a fancy cake. The party itself was kind of like a bridal shower in that the guests bore gifts for us. The evening included singing and poetry as well.


Mawaige, is what bwings us togevuh...


And all that good stuff.



"The Princess Bride," heh heh. That was a classic.


Thanx to everyone for your best wishes! Every time someone congratulates us on our engagement, it really reminds me how truly fortunate I am. :blush:



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