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Mr. Dad, Tear Down That Plastic!

Soaring Strawberry


Labor Day: the hottest weekend in southern California. But enough about the heat, I'm happy to bring good news!


Mom and I went out shopping today, and we found a corner desk for our living room -we found the unit at a kid's furniture store, of all places, as we don't have much room. I'm considering getting one for myself, because I have a small room.


We also found purple fabric for a dress I've wanted to make. (By now, we also found some store-bought possibilities, if we can't find someone to make a purple dress)


Dad finished painting the kitchen, and he took down the plastic today! The cove is now bright and clean-looking; and Dad and TOV cleaned the counters off, making it feel even cleaner; though I can't say if the sun or our kitchen dazzled my eyes. However, because my dad is fixing the plumbing, we will still have to use throw-away plates and "borrow" the bathroom sink.


We also have a new front door -my dad and my uncle, who works at a door/window store, installed it about a week ago, and the windows on the door help to lights up the entire one-story house! My uncle is also going to help us install a new kitchen window, but that's after we fix the sink.


Finally, my new bedding came in yesterday! I know I linked to the picture, but it is so much more gorgeous up close.


I'll be going to the art forum now -for those reading this, thank you for visiting my art topic and double thank you for posting in it!


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Cool. New room or something? I just got one too, finally. Been sharing with my brother my whole life..


Have fun.. shopping?

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Cool. New room or something? I just got one too, finally. Been sharing with my brother my whole life..


Have fun.. shopping?


It's fun; then again, females are notoriously "born" to shop. :P


Congratulations on getting your own room! I'm sort-of getting a new room. We're cleaning up our house to sell it, and the desk is the only furniture my parents are buying for me before the pack-n-go day.

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