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To The Consumers



This is a rant for everyone who has ever bought something from a store.


As a Wal-Mart Associate I have worked in many areas in the store, Stockman/Cart pusher, Chemicals, Foods, and Electronics. However there is one thing I just can't stand. I'm sure everyone who has worked in retail will agree with me.


Please don't put merchandise you picked up then decided you don't want it on a random shelf. This is a hassle for everyone. And there are two easy things that you can do to help us out, and as a customer it makes you a better customer. These are two very simple things.


1. If you have the time, return it to the area you found it. It is nice if you put it back but, I'm ok if you put it in the general area.

2. Take it to the cashier and tell them that you do not want to purchase it. They will gladly take it and it will make its way back to where it came from.


These two steps can save workers a lot of time, and are extremely simple.


Why did I bring this topic up?

Here is why:

I've found toys in foods, school supplies in foods, all sorts of things. Heck I've even found shoes in electronics. When this happens as an employee, I must take time from my department and put these back, or take them up to Customer Service so they can be taken back. This is a waste of time when we have a ton of work to do. So if you guys actually do these steps it helps out a lot and requires no energy.


Sure we work there and it is our job to do that, but these things add up. And when expenses add up, prices get raised. And when prices get raised, you have to pay more. It may seem like something small, but it isn't. I had an entire cart full of returns that I wasn't able to do. The reason? I was zoning foods. (Zoning is pulling merchandise forward and making the display look nice.)


So, as a consumer, be sure to help out and not throw your unwanted merchandise in any part of the store. Take it to the cashier and tell them that you don't want it. It is as easy as that.


And it prevents people from getting headaches.




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I'm one of those people who will put things back. Even if they aren't mine. If it's on my way.


Man, abandoned shopping carts must aggravate you to no end..

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Amen!! Whenever I do returns, which is putting unwanted stuff back, I constantly find items in the wrong places. Three of our cashiers are now "straighteners", people whose sole job is to put misplaced items away. It's crazy. XD Even they can't keep the store very clean.


Another word of advice: make sure you know how much money you have to spend before you shop! If your check or card is denied, and you have no other way to pay, we have to call our mangers so they can void your purchase. This may only happen at Kmart, but it takes forever for the manager to come and even longer to put your stuff back. People do this all the time; I had 3 total voids the other day. x.x


Sorry for ranting. :lol:

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Thanks Taki. :)


I'm one of those people who will put things back. Even if they aren't mine. If it's on my way.


Man, abandoned shopping carts must aggravate you to no end..

Mak, you win then. :P

Back when I was a Cartpusher they did. I've since upgraded to electronics.


Amen!! Whenever I do returns, which is putting unwanted stuff back, I constantly find items in the wrong places. Three of our cashiers are now "straighteners", people whose sole job is to put misplaced items away. It's crazy. XD Even they can't keep the store very clean.


Another word of advice: make sure you know how much money you have to spend before you shop! If your check or card is denied, and you have no other way to pay, we have to call our mangers so they can void your purchase. This may only happen at Kmart, but it takes forever for the manager to come and even longer to put your stuff back. People do this all the time; I had 3 total voids the other day. x.x


Sorry for ranting. :lol:

By all means rant!


And at Wal-mart I think CSMs, Customer Service Managers, can Void them, I'm not sure. I haven't encountered that while cashiering. Then again I don't cashier much, as I only cashier in electronics. You won't catch me on the front end. Although, at Wal-Mart we will hold the merchandise for one day, theycan then me back with money or another form of payment.


I get to work some more today, in electronics my specialty.



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I am going to have to remember this the next time; I go to a store with my parents. They always, when they find something to be too much money, just drop it on some random shelf near by them.


When I am looking around a store, I try my best to put the item back it belongs, if I am not going to get it. I will sometimes also try to help organize the products more, when I am trying to think of what to get at a store for a lot of products that I see in stores really need to be re-organized in my opinion.


Then again, the workers may not like me organizing their product for them. So, maybe I shouldn't do that. ~JMJ-07

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90% of the time, I put articles I no longer want to purchase back where they were, unless I'm in a hurry (which happens 10% of the time). Seriously, it's common sense. I'm surprised you have to rant about it.




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I know exactly how you feel. I'ma just copy/paste this into my blog.


At our store, we have a CD-listening station (only for pre-opened accompaniment trax, not full CDs), and everyday I go into work, there will be piles of CDs sitting on the shelf. What's worse, is that the cd-players are -right- in front of the where the cds belong (only one section of shelves on the wall)! And they're in alphabetical order! There is no reason why people can't put stuff back where it belongs!


And no, I can't use a coupon on something you previously purchased! And it's Buy One, Get One 50% off, not 50% off any item you feel like.


Nearly half the time I'm at work I'm just walking through the store putting stuff back where it belongs.

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