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I Am Now Thoroughly Convinced...

Metallic O'Dalek


Penguins will rule the Land and Sea in the future. I made a huge cage/tank and stuck twenty Penguins in it, along with twenty Giant Squid and Bengal Tigers. When I un-paused the game, the Penguins split into two even groups, one staying on the land, the other entering the sea. The group on the land was attacked by the Tigers, and won with one casualty. The group in the ocean lost three to the squid, but still won. The way I see it, the group on the land symbolized the army, and the group in the sea symbolized the Marines. :blink:


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Hmmm... I'm beginning to wonder if you're just joking. I mean, even for a video game that's pretty far fetched. No offense, though :)

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