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Play Week Part One

Tufi Piyufi


Status: Dress rehearsal

Current location: Beginning of Act II


Note to self: drink water before standing in one spot in dress shirt and vest for ten minutes. Not a fun feeling, being ready to collapse on stage.


This thing's a lot funnier than Midsummer Night's Dream, which was definitely written by a man who defined a comedy as 'everyone lives to see the end and then they all couple up'. However, there is definitely a tradeoff... this thing's a whole lot longer. Takes us so long just to get through the first two acts... Gah. But the other two seem shorter. That's the current theory, anyways. Here's hoping it's right.


We'll be here until dinnertime, at least... but then again, rumour has it pizza of some manner will be ordered. Yay!


And thus, some boredom was smote. Just another page to go until I get to go back on, yay... yay yay yay...


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I assume you're doing Shakespeare. Which play? His comedies are weird even though I'm in one right now.

Much Ado About Nothing to be precise. Produced by a company known for raunchiness. (Last year's production of Titus Andronicus [as a comedy] almost got banned by the city for exessive stage blood, and the ACLU had to get involved. THAT WAS HILARIOUS.)


Anyway, limbs broken with that.

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Even though I'm not the best actor, I still like to help out in the school plays (sounds, lights, go-fer-ing, and whatnot) for one thing...the free food. That's where it's at.
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AMSND was funny, man. Especially the play within the play. But I can see where you're going with Shakespearean comedy/non-comedy, it does seem like all he does is mercilessly kill off everyone (Hamlet). That is not to say, however, that the Bard has no sense of humor. I mean, turning a guys head into that of a...donkey's...is priceless even nowadays.

Plus the fact that Puck is an absolute ladies' man, perhaps comparable to Omi himself.

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Shakepeare's plays are.... um.... sorta lame.

Where's the action!? :???: I saw one of his

plays, and everyone in the play had

basicly a dull voice. Not lke it's bad, the

script is good, but the action is BAD.


~MKal :voyanui:

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Hn... so this is what happens when I don't actually say what play we're doing. Experiment: successful.


... Actually, no experiment, just a lack of ever mentioning the name. Odd how I never got around to that.


We did Midsummer Night's Dream last year... this year, however, we have moved far, far away from the Shakespeare. Oh no. No more Shakespeare for us, please. An Ideal Husband, by Oscar Wilde and all that. Which just so happens to clock in at around three hours in length. Believe me. We ran it last night.


Let's see... if it starts at 7:00 PM... and I don't leave the school until it's over... and this goes on for three days...



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Let's see... if it starts at 7:00 PM... and I don't leave the school until it's over... and this goes on for three days...

Oh noes! :fear:


Shakespeare is such a pain to read, and I don't even wanna get started on acting it. All the "thou"s and "hast"s and "coz"s really get on my nerves... why couldn't there be a "Modern English" version of his plays? >_<


Good luck with the Wilde play.


Get it? :P




... no? ;_;

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