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Requiem For A Kexpod

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


My iPod died today.

It was a slowish death, but the final straws were the forced plug-in to a radio/docking station. Less than 7 hours attached to it, and the sound quality deteriorated rapidly.


It will be replaced this weekend with an early self-birthday gift, an iPod Video of undetermined color and hard drive size.




P.S. Kex, do you need that essay on O. Henry that was left on the iPod?


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Apple just announced a bunch of new iPods today, be sure to check them out before you make a purchase. Even if you don't want a new one for whatever reason, make sure you don't pay full price for a last gen one, the price cuts and clearance sales on the old models should be coming soon. My personal recommendation is the new 80GB iPod classic (new name for the video) for $250.

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I like the granny smith apples.


Wait wrong Apple. :P


This is why my MP3 player rules. It still lives, even after all the abuse I give it.



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Uggghh. That makes me feel really bad. Hopefully you got your money's worth out of it?


Oh, and I searched my computer for said essay, and it was my sister's. So no, I don't need it.

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I don't know what kind your now defunct iPod was, but my 4G Mini is still kickin' and livin'. Sturdy and hardcore.


Though those new iPod touches or whatnot look nice....



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If/when you do get a new MP3 player, you have to add Requiem to your music collection. Very pretty piece. And a ton of 16th-note runs.


For a new MP3 player, I'd look around. Walmart has a few MP3 players very similar to the new iPod Touch, except for $140-150 and twice the memory. Or go for something by Creative (I have a Zen V Plus, that's pretty cool too. About $70 dollars for a 2G mp3 player with some decent features and battery life). But I'm also a bit bias against Apple for ripping everyone off.

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