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I would be willing to do any incredibly silly voices - say, very deep, or crazy, or even a fake British cockney. I just have to get my hands on some recording equipment, tho, so it's in doubt. I'll probably have a definite answer by...ooh, Wednesday.

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Aoran: *sigh* Fine, I guess I'll ask you. :P *trots over to MSN*

Beliwa: Wednesday is good. And the crazier the voices the better. Especially if you apply for Krekka and give him a squeaky voice.

No, don't do that. :P

Should have a script done by then.



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I am willing to do some voices, if you want me to. But you probably don't want me in it for I am not good at changing my voice and I don't know how to say many Bionicle words out loud. It up to you to decide, Phyoohrii. ~JMJ-07
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