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The Fear Of Love



Many of you toss around the word. Whether discribing something you cherish, a family member, or a member of the opposite gender(or same gender, if thats how you roll).


On my end, Love is something to avoid.


I keep thinking that I'm going to repeat History.


And do what my father has done.


Omi is right, of course. We are still at too young an age, even to know what true love is. Its not lust, or liking them because they're cute or attractive, or just because they give you everything you want.


Its not what you want, its what you need.


"The One" is an expression used by both boys and girls, men and women, who are trying to find a soul mate that interlocks with them perfectly and without a hitch.


When you find her/him, tell me how it feels, but I have a fear of love.


I like the fact of being in a relationship. They make me feel more secure, but so fragile at the same time. Doing something wrong to mess it up, talk to a girl causally and rumors fly around that I'm cheating. Its amazingly stupid how people will judge on spot.


My last relationship last 2-3 weeks. It was almost broken from the beginning, my girlfriend and her friend were at war with each other. Needless to say, her "friend" spread a rumor saying that she was cheating on me. She informed me of the rumor once it spread around her grade(7th) and in two days, my grade (9th). Needless to say, we broke up anyway. I wasn't broken up about at all. I felt like a weight was lifted off the two ton load on my back, easing the pressure.


But what I truly feel afraid of is... breaking the hearts of my family. If I have kids, a wife, and a church, I feel as if I'll repeat everything that happened to my dad. I don't want that.


I vowed not to get married, for fear of hurting my future wife and kids.


That is my fear. You can go out, meet a girl/boy, anything. Just, for heart's sake, make sure its true.




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You need to find yourself a girl, mate!


... couldn't resist. But, hey, we're all just bunches of DNA, why not have fun while we can? :)


Nothing ventured, nothing gained!



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I'm very pleased with the second sentence.


But try not to feel afraid. Be wary, understand what might happen - but don't be afraid and reject the ideas altogether.


You never know, something good might happen.



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Well, as a general rule, I dont particularly take to trustin' girlfolk.


So, 'eres my advice: Stop feelin' insecure about yourself or feelin' that you need a relationship or a girlfriend or any o' that lot, an' jus' go live. Explore. Adventure. If somethin' happens, it happens. If it dont, who cares?


I aint so worried about losin' somethin' that I aint gonna try t' 'ave it.


- Heir

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My sister told me this:



keep this is mind..love is not a feeling. the feeling is likeing someone. being really into them. love is a decision. a decision to respect, trust, care for, and dedicate you life. like is just the feeling that comes before it that makes you decide to love. love is a commitment to honesty, devotion, and being there no matter what. and not even i know what love truely means, but i would just advise you to be careful of who you say you love. i love my family and certain friends. but i do not say i love you to everyone. i have never dated a guy that i loved, even tho i thought i did. i have broken up with one guy that after we broke up we became super close and now i can say that i love him. there are only selected ppl that i really truely feel those things i mentioned above for. you can love someone without liking them, as i do some of my guy friends. thats kind of what i was saying last night about how you can care about someone SO SO SO much, but just not want to date them. by the way, read the new quote i put in my books section. its from a book i just finished reading called a scanner darkly. you should watch the movie, and if you want to read the book, but it might be too mature for you. but it has some really really good principles if you think about it and absorb it. ok bud. peace&light.




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