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Thursday Night, Friday, Saturday And Sunday



Due to the board being offline and a bust schedule on Saturday, I bring you several days worth of Adventurer :)


Thursday Night: War of the Worlds Musical and Kongu Mahri


This entry takes place a few minutes after I finished my last entry :P Having just got off BZPower for a bit to get ready for War of the Worlds (the musical), my step-dad (known on BZPower as Yorrick Kaine) came home and had Kongu with him (I'd given him the money in the morning so he could get him at lunch) so I thanked him, built him quickly and added him to my Toa Mahri shelf :) By then we were ready to go. It was taking place at a entertainment centre and we were meeting several other people their. While we waited, I got some calamari and chips from an 80s style food place thing along with a drink and ice-cream (I was glad that they let food inside :happy:). Once the show started there was a lot of music and a bit of singing/talking and one thing I did notice, is that the Martian Tripod's feet looked nearly exactly the same as Rahkshi feet! Afrter the interval I saw Shannon Noll die ("Yay!")! Overall it was pretty good, especially the giant holgramatic (sp?) head :)


Friday: Boring Day


Nothing really happened n Friday, BZPower was offline and school was dull. I will dwell on Friday no more.


Saturday: Writers Festival, Jaller and Matoro Mahri, the Toa Mahri collection is complete!


The thing that kept me off most of yesterday was my Mum going to the Writers Festival and though I'd want to come! The Writers Festival was mildly (and I mean MILDLY) exciting, the two most interesting people I heard talk was a guy that wrote Star Wars and Dune books and a Swedish horror writer (that used to be a comedian). During the lunch break, I went to Allen's music store and bought myself some jazz music and went next door to complete my Toa Mahri collection by buying Matoro and Jaller Mahri :) By the time we'd finished is was 11:00pm and we had McDonalds and went to bed.


Sunday: Today


I have the house to myself today (my Mum and Yorrick Kaine will be at more writers stuff) and the only thing I have to do is my English assignment!


So that was my weekend :)


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But you will not escape Friday forever! Friday; tell me more about it. Was it fun? :P


Some weekend. *grumbles*


O.o You like jazz?



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But you will not escape Friday forever! Friday; tell me more about it. Was it fun? :P

Most of the day was pretty boring, I had Manual Arts, German, Trumpet, Music ad English. I guess the only exciting thing that happened was that in Trumpet I got some new music :)

Some weekend. *grumbles*


It was pretty boring...


O.o You like jazz?




Yeah, I play trumpet and I'm taking up saxophone next year :happy: Can't decide between Alto and Tenor...

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But you will not escape Friday forever! Friday; tell me more about it. Was it fun? :P

Most of the day was pretty boring, I had Manual Arts, German, Trumpet, Music ad English. I guess the only exciting thing that happened was that in Trumpet I got some new music :)

Some weekend. *grumbles*


It was pretty boring...


O.o You like jazz?




Yeah, I play trumpet and I'm taking up saxophone next year :happy: Can't decide between Alto and Tenor...

Alto is pretty fun, just so you know. After learning sax you'll basically know the fingerings for clarinet, and flute, which is awesome.

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But you will not escape Friday forever! Friday; tell me more about it. Was it fun? :P

Most of the day was pretty boring, I had Manual Arts, German, Trumpet, Music ad English. I guess the only exciting thing that happened was that in Trumpet I got some new music :)

Some weekend. *grumbles*


It was pretty boring...


O.o You like jazz?




Yeah, I play trumpet and I'm taking up saxophone next year :happy: Can't decide between Alto and Tenor...

Alto is pretty fun, just so you know. After learning sax you'll basically know the fingerings for clarinet, and flute, which is awesome.


Yeah, I'll probably do Tenor :D

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