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Tufi Piyufi


I moderate GD. As such, I often wind up reading the topics contained within that forum. Funny how that works out.


While reading that topic in particular, I noticed something. The phrase 'haven't entered any (since) because there's no theme that interests me (yet)' or a variation thereof comes up a fair bit. I can't help it: as BBC Contest host, I tend to be interested in these sorts of things.


So tell me, folks, off the record: what would be an interesting theme?


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One where no ball joints can be used whatsoever. None. Not even for decoration.


I like that one, that'll be a headache for many builders :P But anyway, I'd like a free-build or a set revamp. :)


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Small MOC redux, or only build accesories.

That would be cool.

Like build a gun or something.

I like that idea...

~Sr. G

All Seran's ideas and that idea about no ball joints are total win.
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I have no idea how many times I've told you these two. :P


1. Self MOC

2. Comic character (We could even bring back categories...)

*agrees with ET* We could have two categories, one for heroes and one for villains, then a Grand Battle-sort-of-thing between the two winners in each category.




ten Cheers for Self MoC's!

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Like Seran said, A sculpture Moc would be nice.

I've also been interested in a "make a movie version character" from one of the three Bionicle movies.

Also by popular vote, Self-Mocs would be diffrent from past contests.

With lots of new pieces, a new Mata-Nui challenge would be fun.

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1. Self MOC. With a size restriction or something, so that people don't go crazy

2. Set revamp

3. Playsets?

4. Make Hapori Dume (kinda obvious after #44)

5. Make a sidekick for an existing Bionicle villain

6. Make a vehicle for Toa Mahri to use

7. Custom Toa team

8. Create a new type of hero (other than Toa)

9. Make an evil machine for an existing villain

10. Sculpture contest (e.g. Shan's Mata Nui shrine)




I agree with #4 for #47, partly because I made an MOC of Tohu's antithesis already, though it is a bit half disassembled...


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: Someone: Hello, my name is Tapoonu-gakole-av. But you can call me Larry. :voyanui:

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