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Just wanted to share something I ran across this week.


As some of you know, I have a huge comic collection, most of which is "reader's copies" -- not mint, not even near mint, just stuff I have read and enjoyed over the past couple decades. Anyway, with things like entire comic series coming out on DVD-ROM and the various collections Marvel and DC keep putting out, I've been able to replace entire boxes of comics (which saves a lot of space). But what to do with them then?


I could, and have, eBayed them, but that takes work and a lot of times they don't sell. And I don't want to throw them out, because that is a terrible waste. So I have just held on to them.


But this week I ran across a website, www.Comics4Kids.org -- it's a not-for-profit organization in Washington state that collects comics to give to hospitals, libraries, schools, etc. to help promote literacy in kids. As a writer for kids and young adults, promoting reading is of course an issue close to my heart. So I swapped some emails with the organizers and I am going to start sending stuff their way.


I don't know that any of you have comics you are looking to give away, but if you do, or know someone who does, you might want to check out this site. Not only do the comics entertain and maybe even comfort a kid someplace, but they might lead him to buy his own someday and help out the industry as a whole.






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Thanks for telling us, Greg!


However I don't have dupes of my comics to give away and even if I did I would rather trade them for other issues (which I don't have) in B/S/T.


Still, it's a nice site.

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That sounds like a wonderful idea. Though I think giving a book itself would be a bit better to encourage reading, I always found comics a inspiration for various other things, such as script writing and art, which could give a kid the inspiration to learn such things and could even lead to getting some really good job. So great suggestion. :)
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Not sure I agree with you, LK -- a lot of kids, especially younger ones, are more likely to read something that has a lot of colorful art in it. I got started reading because my Dad brought me Batman comics home when he bought his newspapers. That was really where my love of reading started and was my springboard to "real books."



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GregF blogged about normal life! :ohmy:

Which, by the way, is great! Gives us some insight into you and not just your status on the books/comics.


Anyway, this sounds like a great program, and I hope the kids that get your comics enjoy them as much as you did.




PS, grab a couple Bionicle comics next time you're at your office and send those too!

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Actually, I got permission this morning to send two boxes of BIONICLE comics to C4K as well.


Speaking of BIONICLE in the comic medium, I may have some exciting news on that coming up soon!



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Actually, I got permission this morning to send two boxes of BIONICLE comics to C4K as well.


Speaking of BIONICLE in the comic medium, I may have some exciting news on that coming up soon!





this is gonna be good!


(nice work on being a good guy Greg)




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Not sure I agree with you, LK -- a lot of kids, especially younger ones, are more likely to read something that has a lot of colorful art in it. I got started reading because my Dad brought me Batman comics home when he bought his newspapers. That was really where my love of reading started and was my springboard to "real books."




That was an awsome idea Greg! Once my bionicle comic colection is big enough I will do the same! I just got Ignitions 10 and it was so sad!:crying: Anyways I hope you are making awsome Bionicles for next year and please dont make them so big because I can play with my Metru toa and marhi mask:sly:


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Actually, I got permission this morning to send two boxes of BIONICLE comics to C4K as well.


Speaking of BIONICLE in the comic medium, I may have some exciting news on that coming up soon!



Does this gave anything to do with circulating them outside of Lego?

--RFT: 63

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Actually, I got permission this morning to send two boxes of BIONICLE comics to C4K as well.


Speaking of BIONICLE in the comic medium, I may have some exciting news on that coming up soon!



Does this gave anything to do with circulating them outside of Lego?

--RFT: 63


Please say yes... *cross fingers*

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