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Bumping Up Against My Afol Roots



There are times when my new job bumps up against years of being an AFOL. Today was one of those times, for a couple of reasons.


I'm currently working on what'll go onto BIONICLE.com and BIONICLEstory.com for 2008, and I just finished a design comp for BIONICLEstory. At the bottom is the legal disclaimer, of course, which I had to type in in Photoshop. So I started typing in the "standard" disclaimer, which I know by heart, having typed it into so many fan sites over the last half-dozen years.


It wasn't until I was adding the red LEGO logo that it dawned on me I was using the wrong disclaimer. The fan sites need to use one that says LEGO doesn't support or endorse the site, etc. etc. But of course BIONICLEstory.com is for LEGO. So I had to go find the right one to use.


It was very weird.


Another thing that happened today made my fan-driven eyes light up, but contrasted with my LEGO employee eyes. My office is right in the middle of BIONICLE central, and there's a small book case right in front of my desk. It's the first thing you see when you come into the area. Frequently, the latest designs are put there for temporary display. This morning, several new containers for next year's products were on the top, all lined up nice and pretty. It took several seconds to remember that I couldn't take a picture... years of dedicated LEGO product scouting and reporting wrestled with my webmaster position, but only for a few moments. Still, it was a struggle.


Didn't help I'm jetlagged today, too.


I'm not entirely certain I'm supposed to even say this much, and I'll certainly not answer any questions about the products, but I'm going to take a chance and post this. Worst that can happen is I get a wrist slap. But I don't think that'll happen.



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mm, well that´s have to be a struggle... tryin' to not take pics of the '08 sets..what a pain.. :P


have you seen them all?


is the design on them "cooler" than any other year?


i'm hoping that i´m not askin' too much... :unsure:




how´s the BStory update goin' ?

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mm, well that´s have to be a struggle... tryin' to not take pics of the '08 sets..what a pain.. :P


have you seen them all?


is the design on them "cooler" than any other year?


i'm hoping that i´m not askin' too much... :unsure:



Sorry, as I said, can't comment.

how´s the BStory update goin' ?

You tell me... have you checked in the last half hour? ;)

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Have you seen the 2010 Bionicle stuffs!?!?! I must know! *goes crazy and explodes*


It is good you are resisting to take pics. :P


Cuz you know you want to.



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I think you should. Come'on...you know you want to...




XD, if I had a job at LEGO, and I couldn't tell anyone much about what was going on, I'd go crrraaazzzyy. :wacko:

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Working for Lego is like working for the FBI/SIS/CIA.


You can't talk about your job. You can't talk about what you learn.


And you get sent to jail for revealing anything. :P



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So you can't even say If when we see the sets they will have a "BUY ME RIGHT NOW OR YOU'LL PAY FOR IT!" effect? :P


Working for Lego is like working for the FBI/SIS/CIA.


You can't talk about your job. You can't talk about what you learn.


And you get sent to jail for revealing anything. :P




Don't be so hard with them... LEGO is worse :P


PS: Thanks by getting the updates today Bink :)

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Hey, Bink knows what the new sets look like! All we need to do now is get within range and use telepathy...


It's so cool to read a blog from somebody in the middle of the whole Lego Bionicle production, even if he can't really reveal anything. :P Oh well...



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Wait you know what some of the 08 sets look like?

*Starts working on Binky costume*

But seriously it must be torture for you.



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You called the new set stuff "containers" and not "canisters."

(So will they fit in with my box of round/triangle canisters, or stay far away like Inika and Barraki? Of course you can't answer this....)


Sounds like your job is amazing.

Just don't say "told ya so" when the new sets come out!



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That is so awesome! Anyways, your job is awesome, plus web design is fun...and you get to see the new BIONICLE stuff :P LUCKY!


Anyways, enjoy your job, don't worry, I won't tempt you to say anything about the New '08 Sets....so what are they like? :P



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You need therapy, see me in my office at 5:00 pm.

Don't tempt him guys... Now Bink... *Uses hypnosis* You WILL tell us about the '08 sets :lol: Once I snap my finegrs you will tell us all about the '08 sets! *Tries to snap fingers but fails* Oh drat. I forgot I can't snap my fingers. :(

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I feel bad for you, since the bookcase is near you, and you're in the middle of bionicle, that temptation must be something else! :P

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I don't know how you got any work done that day with those sets staring at you. I would have stared back. All day.

Man you are lucky.


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I don't know how you got any work done that day with those sets staring at you. I would have stared back. All day.

Man you are lucky.



Same here! :lol: Then I'd have to write about it (even if I didn't publish anything).

Bink, just enjoy it. We'll know what you see eventually. ;)



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