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Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City?


MB has spoken

If I was Delilah, I would be sick of that song already.

if you could live forever even past the end of time and never age but had to kill you famly, girlfriend, and all your friend to get it would you do it? and why why not

Power is not worth killing the ones you love over.

Another one. Do you play Duke Nukem?

You bet.

Whats your fav FF character of all time?

Aerith Gainsborough from FFVII is my all time favorite.


Second would be Kain Highwind from FFIV.




I broke the window again.

I have a question for you Omi; how the heck do I get to the Seer (mark) in FFXII?

The mark is on a secret floor below the Abyssal in the Pharos. You have to activate the 4 pedestials (which are in the 4 rooms surround the center of Abyssal) to activate the elevator going down. Seer is there.


How many times have you moved around? (Random question Oo) And what's your dream car?

Well I was born in Germany and lived there for a year.


Moved to Florida and lived there for awhile. Then I lived with my mom in New Mexico for awhile. Then went back to Florida with my dad. Now I live in Massachusetts.


So 4 times.


And my dream car would be the Batmobile from Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns.




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i got anyone


if you could live forever even past the end of time and never age but ths time you can't kill anything ever or you'll lose your power and die, would you do it?

Well stepping on grass pretty much kills it.


So I die the second I step out into the world.



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i got anyone


if you could live forever even past the end of time and never age but ths time you can't kill anything ever or you'll lose your power and die, would you do it?

Well stepping on grass pretty much kills it.


So I die the second I step out into the world.



dang you got me ok my next one is would you like to live in a cold place or a hot place?

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I love your sig and Avatar.


Dunno if anyone has asked you this yet. you Sig and Avi look like they are torn from a Final fantasy scene...what happened in the scene?


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Dunno if anyone has asked you this yet. you Sig and Avi look like they are torn from a Final fantasy scene...what happened in the scene?

This is a flashback scene from Final Fantasy VII, and is also the ending for FFVII: Crisis Core.


Zack (the guy lying on the ground), was helping and defending Cloud (guy kneeling) from a large group of Shinra soldiers on the bluff overlooking Midgar. In the original FFVII, it was merely a group of soldiers. In Last Order, Zack was shot by a sniper while in a yellow truck and dragged Cloud to the bluuf and fought the soliders presumably. In Crisis Core, it was around a hundred Shinra soldiers (since Zack was labeled dangerous). Zack was shot down and since Cloud was in comatose, he was left for dead. Cloud broke out of his shock and took on Zack's life and memories as an Ex-Soldier and wannabe mercenary.



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Salutations Omi. My questions for you are the following. (Duh)

In your DJ work, did you ever get any experience running sound?

If so, how much?


May seem wierd, but I run sound for my church and appreciate those who do the same. Just curious.

-Inquisitive Ax-

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If I was Delilah, I would be sick of that song already.
But you're not, are you? :P

What's the meaning of life? And do you like pie?

Life is meaningless. :P


And yes I do like pie.

i have got two


1.how can i be as awesome as you?


2.what am i going to say next sid hoffmen or sid frenchman?

1. My advice is to be awesome as yourself. Being yourself makes you more awesome than being someone else.


2. Cid Highwind.

Salutations Omi. My questions for you are the following. (Duh)

In your DJ work, did you ever get any experience running sound?

If so, how much?

Yes, but not as much. It was like 4 different dials that controlled the volume, bass, and treble and all that stuff. Pretty much just leave it the way it is. :P

Still with that Seer thing... do you mean that Penumbra place? I know I need Black Orbs to activate the pedestals, do you know how many?

Yeah. And you keep going lower until your at Abyssal.


Penumbra has a total of 36 orbs: 18 in the NE, 9 in NW, 3 in SE and 6 in SW. Then you get to Umbra. Umbra as a total of 57 orbs: 15 in NE, 9 in NW, 15 in SE, 18 in SW. Then you are at Abyssal. Abyssal has a total of 74 orbs: 15 in NE, 21 in NW, 27 in SE, 12 in SW.


NE - Northeast room

NW - Northwest room

SE - Southeast room

SW - Southwest room

What's going on with that Omi auto-biography we're all so anxious to read?

Censors are taking their time to approve it. :P



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It seems you've got all the answers...

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?

And is it true that Vannessa broke up with Zac? :P


MB has spoken

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If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does it make a sound?

And is it true that Vannessa broke up with Zac? :P

Yes and no.


No because no one is around to hear it. However it is obvious it will make a noise. :P


They broke each other.



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-How do we know that you are really you?


-What is the meaning of life?


-What's your favorite color?



1. Ask a question only Omi would know.


2. Life is meaningless. :P


3. Blue




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I guess you do have a point, btw, did you look up Daleks yet?


-Are you in any way, shape, or form related to Chuck Norris?

I am Chuck Norris.

Are toads the same as frogs?

If you were trapped in a cave with only a candle, a match and a way out of the cave, which would you light first? :sly:


MB has spoken

Toads are related to frogs, so they share similar traits due to being the same class. But they aren't one in the same, since they are two different species. :P


I would light the match first.



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