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Media Sleep Deprivation Indoctrination



Using continually repeated statements, bright images, attention-grabbing formats, and most importantly, sleep deprivation (and other methods), the media has been brainwashing us. Think about it. A common technique for breaking wills is repeatedly interrupting sleep- and everybody knows it can be hard to stay up for more at 11. You have to wake up early for the specials, and you have to stay up late for the news, and the media has a bevvy of news channels to keep you continually involved. If you have to constantly rouse yourself from sleep to keep up on the news, so be it. The news shows and media programs all have repeated mantras, driven into your mind with flashy ads, promos, slogans, and repeated mentions of what's coming up next, though you have to sit through an hour of what they didn't mention to get to what piqued your interest in the first place. News is just news, so therefore a TiVo owner might come to the conclusion that it's a frivolous thing to record the news show late at night. This is what media bunches want. And when the news is done? OH my GIBBITY GOSHES, THAR BE A CELEBRITY WITH LOOSE MORALS ON A TALKSHOW! Must-see TV! And after that? Oh boy, a rerun of that one episode from an ubiquitous 90's sitcom that made you snort cola out your nose every two minutes from glee! And the only things between parts of the shows are just those silly old ads, and the slogans for the investigative report, and the ad for the next episode of that talk show where they'll be showing the three eyed lizard boy and his yodeling twin, and mentions of products in show ads, and you know, nothing really concerning. And what's the matter with staying up late to catch a few shows?... Our natural sleep cycles have trouble adjusting to changes. That's the cause of jet lag and other such problems. You might be accustomed to waking up in the wee hours of the morning, but your body will never fully adjust. Thus, the occasional slip-up that leads to oversleeping. Therefore, when you examine the constant flow of media, and media about content, and content about media, and content provided by media, you see that there is always content to be displayed on the channel, always ads for other such media content on other channels. The pressure to keep up in this modern day and age, even if it's just keeping up on who's suing Lindsay Lohan now, is overwhelming. Which is the way the media wants it to be. Now, go along, you're probably missing that one-hour special on that one fancy investigation into some scandal.


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I wil now single out one part of that that caught my eye:

A common technique for breaking wills is repeatedly interrupting sleep- and everybody knows it can be hard to stay up for more at 11.
It's hard? :???:
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Keeping yourself awake in front of a glowing bright TV screen, late at night, to eleven o'clock, for a program that could last well over an hour, can lead to dozing off repeatedly.
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i COMPLETELY agree with you!most of the media people are trying to make us unintelligent, so that we can agree with propaganda that tells lies, and a this other stuff. i RARELY watch TV except for some movies like; Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, ETC., etc,.
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