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Rough Week



Man, what a tough week.


I'm sure you don't want to hear a sob story - after all, I work for LEGO! How hard could that possibly be? But let's just say a combination of jet lag, tons of work, working outside of the office for several weeks, and an intense 2-day marketing meeting in Copenhagen have taken their toll. So even though I was supposed to visit Skærbæk for an AFOL event this weekend, I stayed in Billund instead, recuperating.


And doing laundry. Very important, that.


Anyway, even though I can't go into detail about anything, of course, I can say a bit about the marketing meetings. A campaign direction for 2008 had been pitched before I started working for the company, and part of my job was to help figure out how to implement it. So we had a big working meeting to determine how to go about it.


In the course of talking, it turns out a better option was proposed. To my surprise, it was accepted without any complaint. So we're going down kind of a new road, one which I think you guys will like - not that you'll see anything before January. It solves some problems for me (resource and money issues, mostly boring business stuff), and is a stronger concept... even though the original one was intriguing. After all, the end result is to meet sales projections. The 2008 products are strong, IMO, and the new direction capitalizes on their strengths.


I realize how vague this all is, but I think you'll understand that I can't give any details about upcoming sets or plans.


In addition to that, now I get to do all my own code work. Up to now, I've had a very capable assistant, Stefan, doing all the hands-on work while I got up to speed and worked on strategy and documentation for 2008. But one of my co-workers stole him away from me with the lure of a full-time position before I could react (curse you Mr. Hill!) so now I need to do my own scutwork. Should be interesting.


The plans for 2008 are solidifying, and there are some substantial changes coming down the way for BIONICLE.com and BIONICLEstory.com. I'm actually pretty excited about the direction it's taking, and I'm looking forward to doing a lot of hands-on work in the next couple of months.


So, vague as that is, this is the life of an Internet Content Manager for LEGO. I'll try to give more updates more often.



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Bah, not until January? Where's a Vahi when you need one? :P


As far as I know, the Vahi is still in possession of Vakama.


Yeah we so need a vahi.


Oh well, we'll just have to wait...

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All I got out of this way "Bink has a tough job. 2008 will be great. Bink has more work to do." :P


Of course, it was all mildly interesting.



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Bink, you said January, but isn't it a possibillity we will get the sets in Dec.?

It must be exciting doing your work, but loads of pressure. Good luck!


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Bink, you said January, but isn't it a possibillity we will get the sets in Dec.?

It must be exciting doing your work, but loads of pressure. Good luck!



Oh well... If the Matoran are gonna be there like last year...

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