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Secret Alienne Meassage



Greetings, planet BZP.


(Off-screen: You cool dude! Bionicle Zone Power is not a planet!)


Indeed, I am cool. B)


(Off-screen: :uhuh:)


We have come to inform you that ALL YOUR FROZEN DINNERS ARE BELONG TO US.


And we want the one called Spitty to empty his PM inbox. :o


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For the record, I love the text color. Keep it. :)


As for frozen dinners, I guess you're referring to the ancient leftovers filling up my freezer. If they belong to you, please (please!) take them; they're overflowing. :(

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Cool Blog Onuki! ^_^ , I scrolled all the way to the bottom. funny stuffs you have here.


And we want the one called Spitty to empty his PM inbox.


I agree. >.<



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For the record, I love the text color. Keep it. :)


As for frozen dinners, I guess you're referring to the ancient leftovers filling up my freezer. If they belong to you, please (please!) take them; they're overflowing. :(

It's not the same "seagreen" that you use, though. :P


Well, if you see any shady visitors breaking into your refrigerator, you'll know what became of the aliens. :P

Cool Blog Onuki! ^_^ , I scrolled all the way to the bottom. funny stuffs you have here.
Thanks! ^_^
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Well, if you see any shady visitors breaking into your refrigerator, you'll know what became of the aliens. :P

That's just a leftover casserole making a break for it.


See? A plausible explanation for every odd occurance.

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My frozen dinners??? NO!!!! I must microwave my three pizzas...You can't have them!


Yeah, I should probably empty my PM box soon too...

Your folders are 96% full
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Well, if you see any shady visitors breaking into your refrigerator, you'll know what became of the aliens. :P

That's just a leftover casserole making a break for it.


See? A plausible explanation for every odd occurance.

Then what's a left over casserole doing in the fridge? Those things taste naff. No wonder it's running off :rolleyes:

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Oh, yeah. Not these aliens again. I mean, come on, they already stole enough things from me during that TV show.


Heh, don't worry, Onuki, I forced asked Spitty to empty his Inbox.


Whoa. My Inbox is 9% full and I already think that's a lot. :fear:

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and the grassy knoll assassin was actually an empty milk jug.
The scary thing is that I can think of what that might be referencing.
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