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Name This Blog!



I can't come up with a good name for this blog, so I'm being lazy and holding a contest. Leave you ideas in a comment, you may enter as many times as you like. If I see a good name, I will use it and you will be given credit and immortalised in a prestigious content block :P


PS: I saw Rush Hour three today :D It was funny, not much to say really :P Wonder if they'll do a fourth...


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Bioran, you totally took that from me. :P Heh, my old blog was called "This is a blog."


"Light in the Night"

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Lol, as long as we're on the subject, lemme throw in one.


"Let's have an Adventure!"


Not too good, but I'm goin' for something name-related.

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"Blog of the Adveturess"


"The Adventuress Blog"


"Land of the Adventuress"


"Dare you be Adventuress?"


"That Adventuress Blog"


"Let's be Adventuress!"


That's all I can think of off the top of my head right now, sorry. :P

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'Adventure Land(s)'

'Adventurer's Kingdom'

'Adventurer's Land'

'Adventured Land'

'Blog of Adventure'

'My Adventuress Life' (Pun intended)


and other things alike...



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Hmm. I'll see if I can help.

The Gateway to Adventure

The Adventurer's Travel Log

The Adventurer's Journal

Wonder, mystery, and some other stuff

The Neighborhood Cactus Plant

The Watering Hole


As for the last two, they're random, I know. I just thought it was funny.

If I come up with anymore, I will let you know.:)



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Delusions of Adequecy of an R2- Unit

*twoop? Tlootlootloot wheep!*


I gave you title AND subtitle! ^_^




I have a winner! :P

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