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Ideas And Plays!

Lady Kopaka


I FINALLY HAVE AN IDEA FOR AC14! :happydance: So I might enter after all!


*Does a happy jig*


Also, last night I went to go watch a local play that's about my hometowns history, it was really awesome and kind of a big deal around here. You should come see it, KIE and Tomiku. :P


But anyway, just wanted to pop in and say I'm doing fine, and the shooting deal is till kind of hard to cope with, and the busy life stuff is still annoying...but overall I'm doing fine. Thanks for all the prayers guys, but still keep your thoughts and prayers on the families. :(


So now, off to draw!


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1) I'd prefer for the drawing to be a surprise. And 2) Of course hand drawn like always.


Once I get my tablet, I might consider entering Computer assisted, but right now I am not up to enough talent. And though I love comics, I really do stink at them.

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I'm so glad I didn't enter with hand drawn, you'd totally humiliate me.

But, of course, in the computer assisted category, I'm screwed.



I really hope that the shooting thing ends well.

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Lady K sent me the Tablet's link, so I no longer use third person. ^^


YAY! Can't wait to see it. Hope you win this years hand drawn section. :)


Judging by the fact you told them to see it, I assume they live near where you do and you know them in real life? :P


Glad to hear your better. You'll get through it with time, but for now feel free to mourn, it's understandable.


Already ordered one of that tablet, so if it gets here before the deadline, I may be in the computer-assisted category! ^_^

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I tend not to pray specifically for people whom I don't know or know about. Give me some details on your knowledge of these people and I can pray for them in particular, but (and I don't mean to sound mean in this) perhaps now was the time for something like this to happen, either by fate, the will of God, or life in general. I will, however, make an exception for them specifically because you ask, because your judgement leads me to believe that these people deserve it, and that it is therefore my duty to offer them my care. And don't worry that I care not for the deserving of whom I know not, for I make a generic prayer as well that all good come to those who deserve it.


Anyway, dismal talking aside, I'm very glad you're feeling all right, and I hope your AC entry turns out well. Keep up the good work in school and Driver's Ed, and stay positive! :)

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Already ordered one of that tablet, so if it gets here before the deadline, I may be in the computer-assisted category!

Oooh, so you ordered the one that I showed you? Could you PM me and tell me how it is when you get it? I really can’t' decide if I should buy that, or just go and grab a graphire and be on the safe side...but I really don't want to spend $100 or more. :[


Can't wait to see what you cook up, m'lady.

I really am not interested in winning (I'd prefer to see you, B_D or someone who has been trying to win for awhile to win), but I do hope it ends well!


I tend not to pray specifically for people whom I don't know or know about. Give me some details on your knowledge of these people and I can pray for them in particular, but (and I don't mean to sound mean in this) perhaps now was the time for something like this to happen, either by fate, the will of God, or life in general. I will, however, make an exception for them specifically because you ask, because your judgement leads me to believe that these people deserve it, and that it is therefore my duty to offer them my care. And don't worry that I care not for the deserving of whom I know not, for I make a generic prayer as well that all good come to those who deserve it.

When does someone 'deserve' to be prayed for? I pray for all the terrorists, and a lot of questionable people that I don't know, hoping that God will help them out. And I pray a lot of strangers, or people I don't know very well. During hurricane Katrina I did a lot of that, it was a very frightful time and I think anyone deserves to be prayed for if they are going through a bad time or of the sort. Why pray for someone who is already saved, or is not technically having a bad time, compared to another? All you need to do is willfully ask God to help whoever out, you don't need to know or trust them.




Sorry I sounded a bit preachy or whatever (and pardon me if I went overboard on religious talk, Moderators), I just thought I'd point how I felt about that.

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I tend not to pray specifically for people whom I don't know or know about. Give me some details on your knowledge of these people and I can pray for them in particular, but (and I don't mean to sound mean in this) perhaps now was the time for something like this to happen, either by fate, the will of God, or life in general. I will, however, make an exception for them specifically because you ask, because your judgement leads me to believe that these people deserve it, and that it is therefore my duty to offer them my care. And don't worry that I care not for the deserving of whom I know not, for I make a generic prayer as well that all good come to those who deserve it.

When does someone 'deserve' to be prayed for? I pray for all the terrorists, and a lot of questionable people that I don't know, hoping that God will help them out. And I pray a lot of strangers, or people I don't know very well. During hurricane Katrina I did a lot of that, it was a very frightful time and I think anyone deserves to be prayed for if they are going through a bad time or of the sort. Why pray for someone who is already saved, or is not technically having a bad time, compared to another? All you need to do is willfully ask God to help whoever out, you don't need to know or trust them.




Sorry I sounded a bit preachy or whatever (and pardon me if I went overboard on religious talk, Moderators), I just thought I'd point how I felt about that.

Not that they don't deserve to be prayed for, just that I don't know what to pray for that they deserve. If my friend's parents break up, for instance, do I pray that they get back together and save him the emotional stress of being in a single-parent family? In doing that, I eliminate the opportunity for him or her to enter into a better stage of life, instead hoping merely for things to be back as they were. The same principle applies here. I am very sorry for making this sound so cold, but I simply want to make sure that the best come to those who deserve it, for keep in mind that worldly comfort and health are not the most important things for all people, as I know my beliefs and perhaps yours run.


I will continue this in a PM, since it touches on subjects I am only comfortable confiding to a close friend like you.

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Already ordered one of that tablet, so if it gets here before the deadline, I may be in the computer-assisted category!

Oooh, so you ordered the one that I showed you? Could you PM me and tell me how it is when you get it? I really can’t' decide if I should buy that, or just go and grab a graphire and be on the safe side...but I really don't want to spend $100 or more. :[


Will do. Hasn't arrived yet, but I'll be sure to PM you a review when it does, as well as a sketch to showcase it's quality and similarity to using a pencil/pen. :)

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A play, eh? Tell me more when you reply to that PM I just sent you. And you better reply to it this time, too. :P


Ah yes, the shootings. For those wondering, in Alexandria, LA, a lawyer got ticked off at something, I don't know what, and went into his workplace with a gun, and shot everyone in there: two other lawyers, the secretary, and the postman. Last I heard, two are dead, the other two are in critical condition.


Ironically, my aunt used to work at that same law office, and probably still would have been if she had not moved to San Francisco...

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