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Why Comic?

Kevin Owens


I mentioned a few entries ago that I was planning on starting up an informational guide on how to comic. This is the first in (hopefully) a long and informitive set or articles on how to exactly make comics, what to do and what not to do and so on and so forth. They'll be updated whenever I can think of something to add. So without further ado, let's begin.

How to Comic

Why comic?


Ok, so you're fresh from the artwork III form and you like what you see. Or mayhaps you've been lurking around for awhile. Either way, you're going to make your comic and you're sure it's going to be the best comic on the internet. You head off to Artwork II and...



Before you even think of browsing around on artwork II for sprites, you must first realize why exactly you are thinking about making a sprite comic. There are some typical answers to this and I'll try to cover them as best as I can.


Answer One: Because I want to be exactly like Dark709!


My response: Wrong answer. I'm not exactly going to mince words here. You do NOT want to be emulating Dark709 in any way, shape, or form. He is perhaps one of the worst places to take inspiration from despite his popularity. I'll delve into why you don't want to emulate him in a later article. However, just to get my point across I'm going to say it one more time. You do NOT want to be emulating Dark709 in any way, shape, or form.


Answer Two: Because I want to be popular.


My response: Wrong answer yet again. Actually, this one's so closely related to the the first answer I thought of combining the two. If you make comics to become popular you're doomed to fail. Although comics are the easiest medium to become popular in, it's still extremely hard. I've been making comics for about a year now and I'm still not popular. Once again, if you make comics to be famous you will not be famous.


Answer Three: Because I enjoy making people laugh


My response: Alright, that's a much more better answer than the other two, however still not the best. For example, what will you do if nobody finds your comic funny? (And trust me, there will be.) What's going to keep you going when you going? What's going to happen when no one posts in your comic topic? What will you do then?


Answer Four: Because I enjoy making them.


My Response: Bingo. That's why you want to start making comics. The third reason is a plus, but this is the main reason why you want to make comics. If this is the reason you want to make comics, then you will most likely succeed because you're not depending on other people for your inspiration. As such you'll always be in the mood to comic.


So there you have it, the four most common reasons as to why people make comics. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.


And one last thing, don't copy anything from anyone. Ever. I mean it. It makes a comic fail much more than the original, which probably fails anyway.


Important links:

Artwork III guidelines

The Comic Help Topic


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