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*inserts Witty Title Here*



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What do you think? (Spoilered due to size :P)


I have limited access over the next three days or so. A storm knocked out our power and hurt one of our computers. As a result I may not be on much in the next three days, though I should be back after three days :)


Contest still going, only three days left :fear:


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I think you could seriously use the blog entry on how to do that that I am procrastinating on. :P


Well then hurry up and make it! :P


Its cool, but (No offense, if it is offensive) what is it?

No idea :P

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Hi there,


Here are some names for the blog as per the contest :)


1) Adventuress' War on Everything

2) Blog-Art (if you post more designs - think Harry Potter)

3) Adventuress Articles

3b) Adventuress Articulates

4) Random Ramblings of an Unhinged Mind

5) "A" Name

6) ABC - A Blog Continues


That's do for now. I'll think of more names if no-one wins. ;)


Have fun,


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Hi there,


Here are some names for the blog as per the contest :)


1) Adventuress' War on Everything

2) Blog-Art (if you post more designs - think Harry Potter)

3) Adventuress Articles

3b) Adventuress Articulates

4) Random Ramblings of an Unhinged Mind

5) "A" Name

6) ABC - A Blog Continues


That's do for now. I'll think of more names if no-one wins. ;)


Have fun,



You can't play :P Maybe I'll use that top one later though :happydance:


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