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Frequently Asked Questions



Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions in my PM box.


Q. When will BIONICLEstory.com be updated?

A. Every two weeks.


Q. When will the 7th Mahri game come out?

A. By the end of October.


Q. Somebody stole my MOC and put it on the BIONICLE.com gallery! Fix it!

A. Can't, not my department. I'm working on a longer blog entry to more fully explain this.


Q. Tell us about the 2008 stuff!

A. Sorry, can't talk about upcoming releases.


Q. What's your favorite color?

A. Green.


Q. So what's the deal with the online comics? Why so far behind?

A. The comics were kind of ignored while I got up to speed. Now I'm un-ignoring them. There are three back issues to put online, the first of which I hope to have online in early November. All the back issues, plus one that comes out in November, should be on BIONICLE.com by the end of the year.


Q. So how cool is the job, anyway?

A. Very. I get to be involved with some very cool things that are coming up over the next couple of years. It's not an easy job, but it is very rewarding, and I feel like I'm making a difference. I hope that when the new year comes, and you see what I've been working on, that'll become apparent.


Q. No, really - we want to know about the 2008 stuff!

A. No, really, I can't.

EDIT: Even with things on retailer web sites, I can't discuss any 2008 products at this time.


Q. Is BIONICLE ending in 2009?

A. Greg's answered this several times, but I'll add my USD$0.02... no, BIONICLE isn't ending in 2009, or anytime soon thereafter that I know about. I've been involved in some planning for 2009 and beyond, and it's gonna be a good direction.


Q. Are you learning to speak Danish?

A. Jeg ikke Danske. (As is obvious from that sentence.)


- Bink


Recommended Comments

I feel so tempted to ask you those questions again XD

Anyways, what server does LEGO use? Is there any chance for a 15 year old working for LEGO?


Oh, oh... And is Omi just completely awesome?

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A few points...


1- Green? Never thought of you as a green liker. :P

2- Wait, so Greg's two cents was in a different curency...

3- How do I know you're not speaking giberish? :P


Have fun. Can't wait for the next update... uh, whenever it comes. :D



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What's the meaning of life?

Uh... Could it be... 42? :P

My favorite color is green too. :D


Anyways, thanks for opening this FAQ in your blog.

Lots of Green lovers here... Mine is too.

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Go Green! In sewing class, I made a shark pillow, and guess what color it was? Red!


No, really, it was green, and I just finished it today.

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