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Rude People

Spoony Bard


So I am driving to school today. Just a regular drive.


Hunting for a parking spot at school. Sometimes a regular thing.


Find my spot. Listen to the last bit of news on the radio. Regular thing.


Guy next to me, opens his door and hits my car. He didn't open it slowly and try not to hit it and accidentally hit it. He literally opened it quickly a minute after I pulled in and hit my car and just mumbled.


I was awestruck by the fact he did this in my presence. I wouldn't be as offended if this happened while I was in class, but the fact I was still in my car. I would have gotten out of my car and give this guy a word or two, but his idiocy is clearly not worth my time and effort.


And yes I was in my spot between the lines.




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Hit his car back... with a hammer...


No, no, wait... you're a good person...


It's crazy how some people can be s disrespectful.


And yes, the first line was a joke.



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Hit his car back... with a hammer...


No, no, wait... you're a good person...


It's crazy how some people can be s disrespectful.


And yes, the first line was a joke.




And If It's another guy, who's a bad guy? (Makuta's here! NO!) :P


Now seriously, he didn't even tell you "Sorry", or not even think "Oh my..."? Then he isn't rude... A delinquent! Go to jail and then SJD@DDHD FJSN! (Sorry, needed to do It :P)


EDIT: Omi, I didn't know It was that bad. Sorry :(


PS: I hate Board Messages, I mean, I tried to edit this like four times. (I'm looking at you Suverlord ¬¬)

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Hit his car back... with a hammer...


No, no, wait... you're a good person...


It's crazy how some people can be s disrespectful.


And yes, the first line was a joke.




And If It's another guy, who's a Swear Removed -Omi? :P


Now seriously, he didn't even tell you "Sorry", or not even think "Oh my..."? Then he isn't rude... A delinquent! Go to jail and then SJD@DDHD FJSN! (Sorry, needed to do It :P)

@ Night Terror - Can you say that first line here? :P I don't care, but some might be offended.


@Omi - Know what you mean. My Dad was driving (I'm still a minor) and another car almost hit us. We get out, she gets out, they argue, and we get back in the car. Before my dad can get in, however, she hits him in the leg with her car, scraping his leg. Just rude. Reminds me of a story I heard where a guy hits a kid on his bike with his car, and while the kid is unconscious on the hood of his car, the guy starts cursing at the kid, telling him to get off his car. Some people just have issues.

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I'd suggest stuffing a potato in his tailpipe...but that'd probably kill him. And last I checked thats...*consults manual*...bad.

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