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A Word From The Fascist



You wanna call BZP staff fascist, good for you.


You actually want to talk to someone and show that you're above the age of five, feel free to talk to me.


AIM - Janus262

MSN - Prince_Janus@Hotmail.com [i made it when I was seven, deal with it >= ( ]


Seriously folks, I suggest you stop demeaning the staff on this website until you do their work, we're not fascist, we're not dictators, and we're not mean-spirited. People who abuse their power are banned. Be they staff or otherwise.


Seriously, talk to me about this, show you have a brain.


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Don't like the staff? Log of the forum.


The administration and staff here seems to work better than other organizations I have seen in the past... BZP staff rocks.



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Amen! *glomps Jan* I gotta rant, too!


There is careful consideration made when admins choose a new staff member, and I believe that a member's level of attention and care for others is taken highly into account. The power-hungry aren't hired: there have been some popular members out there, who many -think- could be staff. But when you look closer, these members were ultimately out for their own image, thus not hired.


Just because we may not post as often, reply to all PMs, and talk a whole lot with regular members does not mean we are cold or demeaning. We are busy! We have to be firm in some of our dealings, because with the majority of rule-breakers, you have to be serious to get the message across. If we were like, "Oh! Double-posting is bad, okay? Try not to do it anymore! :D" all the time, and not do anything other than that, spam would run rampant. You would not believe how clean it is here. Go hang-out in some other forums, or even read video comments on that popular video website. Because there is little punishment for arguing, flaming, and rule-breaking, people make huge messes and say hateful things to each other constantly.


All we want here is for members to have a safe, fun enviroment. Since we are human, and all humans do wrong, there have to be rules. And to make sure that those up top don't get off-track, there's more than one or two people in each level of staff. This is the system of accountability. When a staff member does something that's actually wrong, there are many other staff around to "check" for him. They will know he's wrong and will do what they can to fix the problem, even if it's to stand against him.


Therefore, this isn't a facist, communist, or tyrannical-type of forum. If it was, your lives on here would be extremely miserable, and you would've left long ago. In order for everyone to get along, discussion of certain things isn't allowed, so we can prevent arguements. This isn't communism! This is common sense!! It keeps the majority of members happy, and prevents huge flame wars. There's a lot of immature and stupid people on the internet, and we have to be ready for them.


When you were little, you probably told your parents or guardian that you hated them, or you didn't think they punished you for a good reason. But now, you know they were just correcting you because what you did was wrong. Similar grounds here, folks.

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I didn't insult anyone, Shine. I said that if they wanted to actually discuss the so-called fascism of the forum to IM me, and actually discuss rather than act like five year olds by posting a temper tantrum on the forum.


Which really is true. I welcome all discussion, especially from those displeased with BZP.



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You actually want to talk to someone and show that you're above the age of five, feel free to talk to me.

That doesn't make sense. Just because people don't like something doesn't make them below the age of five.

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You actually want to talk to someone and show that you're above the age of five, feel free to talk to me.

That doesn't make sense. Just because people don't like something doesn't make them below the age of five.

Makes them immature like a 5 year old though.



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You actually want to talk to someone and show that you're above the age of five, feel free to talk to me.

That doesn't make sense. Just because people don't like something doesn't make them below the age of five.

Makes them immature like a 5 year old though.



So not liking George Bush makes someone 5 years old and immature, correct?

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Spit, where did I ever say that liking/disliking something made you immature? I said expressing these opinions in the manner it's usually done is what makes someone immature.


If you don't like the BZP staff, great.



If, however, you start posting blog entries, or topics, or even just plain posts insulting the staff and likening them to Nazi's (As I have seen before, believe me) then that's just plain immature.


I'm offering people the chance to do what most of them say they actually want to do, which is either 'talk' or 'ream out' a staff member for being such 'dictators'


If people want to take up the option, great. If not, their choice.



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Spit, where did I ever say that liking/disliking something made you immature? I said expressing these opinions in the manner it's usually done is what makes someone immature.


If you don't like the BZP staff, great.



If, however, you start posting blog entries, or topics, or even just plain posts insulting the staff and likening them to Nazi's (As I have seen before, believe me) then that's just plain immature.


I'm offering people the chance to do what most of them say they actually want to do, which is either 'talk' or 'ream out' a staff member for being such 'dictators'


If people want to take up the option, great. If not, their choice.



Well, the people you were talking about are the people who don't like the staff, and what you said didn't make sense, because people don't have to like everything, and if they don't like something, that doesn't make them a five year old kid. But since you said in your last comment about flaming them and other things like that, now it makes sense.


I was just basing what I said on your entry.

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I'm offering people the chance to do what most of them say they actually want to do, which is either 'talk' or 'ream out' a staff member for being such 'dictators'

Meet me at the flagpole. 3 o'clock sharp.



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So not liking George Bush makes someone 5 years old and immature, correct?

If you can't come up with a better argument than "FACIST!" then yeah. It does.


9 times out of 10, when somebody uses a term such as "Facist" or "Nazi" in relation to somebody their arguing with on the internet...they have no idea what they're actually accusing that person of being.

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woo. huh, I don't see how anyone can see any problem with the staff, I mean, all places need rules to maintain order, and in a sense, BZP is a place, so it needs rules. You guys just enforce them, you shouldn't be under the pressure of criticism, especially immature criticism. Either way, you're doing good.


I just may talk to you just cuz. :P

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Also, if you want to see what an ungoverned forums is like, see the ones for Starcraft 2. Flamers, trolls, spammers, cussers, and complainers repeatedly go on the warpath, because their only moderator, Karune, only posts new Q&A discussions and a few other topics. It has good aspects, too, but topics are almost never closed, not even the stupidest of flame ones. Come back from there alive, and you will be singing the moderators' praises, and regret that you insulted Tufi just the other day. I will not link to it due to the fact it is a forums, and it has inappropriate posts on it.


Darkspine Out. :voyanui: If you go to the forums there...just read the Q&A's only. :voyanui:

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