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It's Really Not That Confusing...



Okay, since the annoucement regarding the identities of the '08 sets, there's been a lot of confusion about what to call them. Well, in an attempt to battle this confusion...I've drawn a diagram.


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If you see anybody starting to get confused as to who is what and which set is which, please feel free to direct them to this image. It's for the betterment of all BZP.


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If your reffering to the topic I made in GD, I was simply trying to see:

1) What other people thought.

2) What a cool nickname for them should be.

I know they are still the Toa Nuva and that they can be called Phantoka, but I thought it would be fun to come up with some names :P

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What about the stupid people who ask "But what do we call Pohatu and Kopaka?"

For them? There is no hope.


Technically, the 2008 sets are still Toa Nuva...

This is what the diagram is for. In the context of storyline, all three are Lewa. However, since we need a way to differentiate when discussing various sets, I suggested referring to the newest sets as "_____ Phantoka".

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Ah, but Phantoka are the names for the first three Nuva and Makuta (villians). It means "spirits of the air". So, what about the next three Nuva and Makuta? Oh, and for an additional note, the small sets (matoran) are av-matoran.

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Ah, but Phantoka are the names for the first three Nuva and Makuta (villians). It means "spirits of the air".

I know what Phantoka means, and I know the villians are also Phantoka. I didn't think a diagram was neccesary to help people differentiate between the Toa Phantoka (abbreviated way of saying "the three Phantoka which are Toa") and the Makuta Phantoka (abbreviated way of saying "the three Phantoka which are Makuta").


So, what about the next three Nuva and Makuta?

When the next half of Toa and villians are revealed, then the diagram will still hold. You simply replace "Phantoka" with whatever the new sets are categorized under (Hypothetical example: "Gali Swamptoka")

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I still say "Newva" is better 'cuz shorter. Since the sets really are "Toa Nuva" by label, it's also a little less confusing than "Phantoka", at least for now when that word has only been seen with pics of the 08 villains.


Toa Phantoka isn't horrible, and it does have a nice ring to it, though. But "Newva" is more consistent with the same reasoning used originally to coin the phrase "Toa Olda".

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